Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
Harumi Kazuhito was just your average book otaku going to high school in the big city and living on his own. The only thing that mattered to him was reading books. His sole purpose in life was to read the books of his favorite author Akiama Shinobu. While he was patiently waiting for the last book in her deadly sins series to come out he met a tragic end in a botched robbery. Expect it was not the complete end.
Determined to read the last book in the deadly sins series Kazuhito is reincarnated as a dog. He is also telepathically linked to the girl who was working near by when he was killed. With his luck it turns out that his favorite author is the person he can speak with. Now he has to live with her and survive as long as he can while waiting for her to finish off the last book in the deadly sins series lust.