Another Single Joke Series
So I guess I have to breath a sigh of relief that this anime is finally over. Not that it was not amusing, but that does not make an anime good in and of itself. Sure enough I laughed at all the crazy antics but really that is all there was too the show. If anything I really feel that the characters ruined this anime for me more than anything. This anime had a good plot and an ok setting. The problem comes with the overall execution of the anime being overly eccentric and obnoxious.
I think that is what really kills this anime, each character has one particular quirk. That particular quirk is milked for everything it is worth and then some. The characters become one dimensional in that aspect. You have the masochist, the sadist, the book otaku, the... uhh I guess you would call it despair character, and the foreigner. That is all you have and every time you need to hit the joke that makes that character funny in some way shape or form. Generally this is really easy to do, you make it seem like people are interesting, but when you run out of ideas you throw out the same old joke and all is done right? Plus the fact that a certian character (no spoilers) can hear our great old lead is really weird.
That seemed like kind of a random choice to make, make another character who has no tie to the main character be able to hear him? I guess that makes Natsuno seem less insane when she is just talking to herself in public, but still.. what the hell that makes no sense. Especially since there are so many better characters who might be able to hear him. Then again, all the characters seem to be insane in some regard. I mean they all go off and guess it is him. Not without reason, but still I mean who the hell draws a conclusion like that straight from one action alone.
Truth is that with the sister, any dog could have fallen into her trap. The book was shiny and red, how the hell else could you not fall into a trap like that. She just got lucky that her reincarnated brother happened to be the first dog that moved along. True she was playing to her brother's weaknesses, but still a little far fetched even for an obnoxious anime. Then you have the other girl who the dog just happens to find a book she is hiding. A dog would be able to find that kind of thing or at least notice something is different in the area. I mean christ it is not like dogs have more intense noses or anything. The dog could smell the other human's smell on it. It would not be hard thing to do. Given the exact movements of the dog can be a good clue. Probably the worst is Natsuno.
This sudden creepy obsession she had with the male lead just ruins the series. He makes a few comments that she has never heard before because she was too busy writing books and all of the sudden she is trying to commit bestiality? Where did that come from? I mean really, Harmuni just makes a few off color comments about how he feels about the books that he has and Natsuno decides that it is time for a marriage proposal and starts trying to get intimate with a dog? A dog who she only has because she has some small form of guilt and of who has no interest in other people, much less a relationship? The worst part about this whole thing is the fact that Natsuno randomly brings up this thing she has for her do with little or no provocation. So in many ways it is just a poor filler joke that makes no sense.
Sadly this is one of those animes that has a lot of potential that is ruined in an attempt to be off the wall wacky. That is the main problem I have with this anime and everything it stands for. I am just fine with there being lots of characters and I am just fine with them being eccentric. However, I am not fine when all the character just have on dimension. Hell reused pointless jokes or things like that are better. However, this anime focuses too much on the one major joke and makes it seem like it is the only reason to watch the entire anime. So yeah I will not be sad if this anime doesn't get a second season. sde