Messing with the past and crazy people make for a very entertaining anime.
Okabe Rintarou, a self-described mad genius is an inventor. With his two side-kicks Itaru and Ruka. They invent future gadgets or something. All in an attempt to stop some organization... I think. Using their magical microwave they can send text messages into the past.
Season 1 Episode 23
Sprinting To The....
You know it is hard to say what they are setting up with this episode. Part of me feels like there is going to be a nice hard line conclusion. The other side of me believes that there might be some kind of cliff hanger. Granted, there are so few cliffhangers these days. Granted the wonderful protaginst Okabe is starting to piss me off.
This episode is one that shows he is just all talk. After all, he knew what to expect... after all he WENT BACK IN TIME!!! Why is he so over joyed that Krisue is alive? He knew specifically that he was going back in time to save her.. what the fuck? You would think that someone capable of building a time machine would know how to deal with reality. Then again, he definitely falls into that madness part. Either way I hope this most recent development allows him to grow up a bit. After all, it would be annoying if he stayed the same through an entire second season.
Season 1 Episode 21
Small Details We Forget
To be honest I remember Krisue dying at the beginning of the series. However, I had completely forgotten it up until now. Then again I am confused. Doesn't Okarin have to undo his lottery ticket? I could have sworn they would dedicate an episode to his efforts to undo his lotto ticket buying.... despite the fact that he did not gain anything from it.
Which brings to question another question, had Okarin actually won the Lottery would they want to reverse it? I mean after all he might fight it a bit. That would suck to suddenly have to give up your lotto winnings. Hmmm oh well I guess that D-Mail experiment was not big enough to require a reversing.
Season 1 Episode 20
I Need To Learn Japanese
It is sad that this anime is based off a game that will never be released in the US. I just find it to be really sad that most Americans cannot apperciate unique ideas like the one presented in this anime. Just because the game is a visual novel. Granted I find it a bit interesting that this was an XBox 360 game.
Either way I wish I could have played it. The game itself would have been really good or really bad. A game like this one would be really hard to pull off. AT the same time it would be an interesting challenge to see how what you say and do manipulates the plot of the game. Oh well, I guess I just need to learn Japanese right?
Season 1 Episode 17
I guess it was bound to happen. After all, we all wanted to know how Feryis-chan killed Akibahara. To be honest I am not really sure how all of that works out.I can kind of understand... but at the same time it makes little sense. Oh well, at least Akibahara is no longer dead right?
Onto the next quest... granted there is no way to know what long term side-effects said attempts will have. Although I need to start remembering the numbers from the divergence machine. That way we can see how things are changing. I am pretty sure there is not much change in this last episode
Season 1 Episode 12
What a Twist!!
You know the most recent developments suggest that either this anime is going to come to a screeching halt, and end poorly. Or that the writers just needed to throw in a twist to get people interested again. Seriously, sometimes it feels like these twists are there just to be twists.
Not to mention the fact that the writers can take all the creative liberties they want with this. Seriously, all you have to say is Well the D-Mail had an unforeseen consequence. There needs to be no more justification than that. >_> sometimes I hate series like these... they take all the creative license that they want too and then get lazy.
T_T sadness befalls us though. I hate it when sadness is forced into us. It seems like the writer is trying to trick me into becoming emotionally addicted to this anime. Why do the cute cosplay girls aways have to go away before they do their ecchi cosplays for me WHY T_T
Season 1 Episode 9
I am going to find my way into this world and kill Feyris... seriously I am going to kill her... That bitch killed ________ That is unforgivable.
Granted this whole messing with time thing is getting kind of out of hand for Okarin... especially since he is allowing things to go so far back. It was weird enough having him send a message back to the early 90's.
Season 1 Episode 4
IBN Huh...
I love it when anime cannot afford the rights to copy righted names. In fact I am pretty sure they do not even try. You know the sad thing about this. Is this anime will likely start a series of conspiracy theories. My question is how exactly did they make the microwave generate a black hole?
Season 1 Episode 7
I Hate Unbalanced Crazy People
Okabe has a super power. The ability to change the future. Not only that he can remember everything from the various quantum jumps. >.> Why the hell is he not abusing the power? He did exactly what I would do. Send myself some lottery numbers. I would keep doing it until I got it right. Then I would go forth and save the world.
This episode also makes me miss flip phones. I love my smart phone. However I wish I could have a good old-fashioned flip phone. Ah clam shells, they are awesome and sexy. Everyone knows they want one. Nothing cooler than flipping the phone open. <_< Oh well... if I get to Japan I am going to try to buy one. Pizza hut sells phones in Japan after all.
Season 1 Episode 1
I am Confused
What just happened? Seriously what year is it? All I know about this series is that the main character is obsessed with time travel. I am not sure what is happening. I think he time travelled.. however what just happened? What is going on here? THis si going to be another one of those series... where it does not make sense until the end. Even then it only makes a little sense.