Toji no Miko
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
The Toji are sacred maidens who wield magical katanas and fight evil or something. One day at a tournament Hiyori attacks the leader of this organization for some reason and Kanami, her opponent, on the fly helps her escape. Turns out the leader has been possessed by the very monsters they are tasked with killing. Now they are on the run as the organization hunts them down. Well that and aids them while they are on the run because apparently everyone is a traitor.
Season 1 Episode 14
A Rough Start
Hmmm you know I guess that it is kind of hard to make the reorganizing and reconstruction of an abusive military power interesting but really we are wasting our time with family time? Ugh I guess that is just how these female priority shows work. Everyone wants to see each girl do her absolute best character trait so we get to see the rich big sister one. Man the whole conspiracy thing and secret society thing I wish that could have gone on a bit longer. At least then they had something interesting to show. Now this is just some boring high school drama. Oh well I guess I am not surprised that this happened. Like I said it can be hard to really build up to the transitioning of enemies. I guess it is just a count down until the swimsuit debut. Hopefully things will end once that comes around.
Season 1 Episode 3
Spoiled Brats
Ugh you know it gets painful to watch these kind of anime from time to time. I mean I guess that we are living in a fantasy... but still it is getting painful to do this because well it seems like these females have no concept of hardship. Well I guess the one does, but even then she is not really all that concerned about it. Then we have the rest of the universe who is basically just running around asking why everyone is so mad at everyone.
I always find it interesting how these animes like to have these girls and they jump around and act cute and then REALLY screw up. Then everyone is like "Oh don't be so mean they were just trying to kill you, but they are young and stupid." I will never understand why so much effort is wasted on these people because they are so cute and nice. Ugh well at least there has not been a bunch of obnoxious bath scenes or any other pointless fan service like that.... though I know it is coming soon....