The Boring Stuff Killed the Good Stuff
I am hard pressed to say watch this anime for a lot of reasons. The very first is that this anime has one to many characters. I miss the old days when harems were just 5 girls playing Russian roulette to decide who gets to give the main character a hand job. Then there is the fact that the story take huge random jumps. Which in turn leaves out all sorts of good meaty details that are needed to actually understand the series. I guess that is reason three, the fact that our imaginations are needed to fill in the details. Last of all I hate the fact that the anime just sort of crashes to a grand finale and is over.
Really, I honestly do not know what happened to this guy. He spent all is time making the main character and his soon to be orgy bond and become buddies. The encompasses roughly 10 of the 13 episodes. Where in fact they all play and giggle and try to stick their hands down his pants like naughty girls. On occasion there is the random bit of plot and story injected in here in a vain attempt to try to explain what the hell is going on. Really this could have been generic slice of life with a hint of super powers. You know where the main character doesn't have anything going on other than his powers and he randomly uses them. However, the anime decides that there needs to be a point to the powers and finds one episode every once in a while that will try to explain their point. Right up to the end when everyone becomes super powered and saves the day.
You know I get it, having a large cast means you can make lots of toys that fan boys will buy and play with... or look at or whatever. However, there is what....11 or 12 girls and one boy? I mean really this is obnoxious, because you have to give each character some screen time to remind everyone that they all want his salami stick not just a couple of them... including the boy.. which was kind of obnoxious. Anyway, it gets hard to keep track of everyone after a while. Even then you just kind of stop caring about everyone, because you are trying to fit the pieces of the anime together because of the huge story jumps.
This is one thing that is ruining pretty much every anime out there. Instead of focusing on the details and journey of how one depressed kid managed to kill a bunch of people and how is powers grow and their purpose. We spend a great deal of time playing around in school life. Going to sports events, doing the class trip, doing the school festival. All of these events could easily be tied into the story and the whole struggle that the main character is going through. No instead it is your generic garbage where the only thing that the main character does not do is the female lead in one of the bathrooms because he wanted to have a quicky or she wanted to do something adventurous. Of course a simple rating and category change can fix that. The anime wastes all of its time letting everyone get to know each other and become friends. You know implied stuff that happens while the main character is busy trying to find out the origin of his powers.
So all in all this series had so much wonderful potential which is wasted on pointless school life nonsense. Again nonsense which could have easily been worked into the plot. No instead we are wasting our time pitting the girls in boob waving contests to see who will get to date the guy who clearly does not have any interest or time to be dating. Not that there is no story at all. We have plenty of random bridges and pieces of tape to remind us that there is something going on and there is more than just this boring anime about nothing going on. I guess if you like imagining things this anime is great because you get to use your imagination all the time.. literally all the time and there is no reason for you to do anything other than use your imagination because really there is nothing going on other than this poor guy being abused while he has to figure out what to do with these prophecies.