Some Good Points
So here we have one of those anime that requires you to look past a few things. However, once you get past all the huge-breasted bitches in the series.. and one that is reminiscent of a puppet. You actually have a very rich story and background to work with. It is kind of like those people who insist on hiding sweet candy in stuff that is not already sweet and you have to work your way to the part you already like. Well that or you have to fight through the vegetable filled dinner so you can ruin the point of it by eating candy. I think the best part is the fact that the universe is simple and easy to follow.
I think that is a problem with a lot of anime these days. All of them want to be turned into the next card game or RPG. So they create a world with the major glaring details of the world which encompass the story. Then the story is filled with all sorts of bits that find the light of day once in a while. In this anime, they add one or two extra bits.. the only one I can recall are the flowers which produce acid. The rest is following Alka. You have your three major players the good guy, the neutral guy, and the bad guy. Alka goes off does her good guy thing and all is well in the world.
Speaking of simple, I am enjoying the simple world thing. This anime has a reminiscent state of the waring states period in Japanese history. Only instead of trying to work in a bunch of random states, we focus on the one that matters, the bad guys. The other states are there and are mentioned in passing. Otherwise, the anime is composed of villages and stuff like that. Yes there is another government. However, it is established that no one cares because there is a war going on. Plus there is the famous inn with the hot owner, who cares about the nation be subjugated?
I also enjoy the random points of realism that find their way into the series. On occasion the series gets a little wonky, but I guess we need to have entertainment. However, there are plenty of random bits of realism. Such as when someone gets stabbed, they stay down. I do like that bit, everyone goes for kill shots and when they land people stay dead. Plus there was that episode where Alka meets the kids who borrow her sword and start to rob people that was fun. However, the best example of realism is the swimsuit episode. I do enjoy that episode because some how modern swimsuit designs have not magically appeared in this world. Which means the swimsuits look like what they would look like, seashells and leaves. A great example of good realism in the episode that ruins the rest of the series for me.
So overall, this anime does have good bits which make it not so bad. You just have to see those things, which is why I am here to point these things out so the boobies and mostly naked females who never get cold and whos' clothing never falls off or malfunctions despite how tiny it is, do not completely ruin or make the series. Hard to believe that an anime can do stuff like this. Well at least I find it hard to believe when an anime clearly has the majority of the work done on the sexiness of the main cast.