Fantasista Doll
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Uzume has decided to retire from her prosperous Magic career that she built in elementary school. Now she just wants to relax and have a normal boring and not dorky high school life. Problem is one day she find an unusual PDA in her bag. When she is attacked by another girl, the device speaks to her and asks her to form a contract. In a desperate attempt to save herself Uzume forms a contract with the Fantasista Dolls in the device. Now she can summon them at will to protect her from those who know what is actually going on.
Season 1 Episode 5
My My She Is Slow
What the hell is wrong with Uzume? I mean this whole job thing that she is making her dolls do came to me like 3 episodes ago. I now have five potential incomes and best of all they do not bother me all day long. I mean really, they only need to work part time and that is it. They do not need to be professionals. However, taking care of an extra 5 people is not an easy task. Especially when they are magic and can probably conjurer up all their own food and supplies and stuff. Oh well.. I guess you need to show the innocence.... or the lack of creativity or something.