Little Busters
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
A group of childhood friends are together in high school. With the eldest member of this group on his third year. They all need to make these last days when they will be together count. So they do what any rational thinking group of kids would do. They decide to start a baseball team. Problem is you need nine members to play baseball. Thus the hunt is on to recruit more girls to join the team. After all, it is not good to have too many guys around.
Season 1 Episode 23
Nothing But Pain
I just do not get this anime. Why the hell is it so freaking tragic all the time? I mean yeah, tragedy is part of life, but this is a dating sim.. at least I think it is or was one. Regardless, something fucked up has happened to each character in this series who is not a member of the original little busters. This is not just your usual teen drama crap. This is stuff that is REALLY fucked up.. who the hell thought that this was a good idea?
Also, why the hell does Riki fix everything? I guess he is the main character. However, they make him seem like he is some kind of sage. Who holds the keys to each girls heart and how to fix each girls' heart. I mean yeah he seems to be the one who spends the most time with the group, but still.. would it kill them to have the other male characters have a little bit of character development during this thing?
Season 1 Episode 2
I do not get it
You know, after on this many episodes I have to wonder what exactly made this the talk of the town. I mean yeah it seems like there are a lot of cute girls in it... but... uhh what exactly was so good about this anime? I mean I am not really sure. Maybe I just need to wait for it a bit more. There is something about it... I guess... I am not sure though. After all nothing seems to be happening that I think is worth remembering.
This goes to further prove my case that Dating sims need to stay dating sims. This one especially, since the dating sim itself has plenty of alternate routes and all that stuff. I mean if that was not the case this might work as an anime. However, for now it just seems like an anime where there is no direction. God I hope this one dies in 11 episodes. Then again, it is a fan favorite in Japan so it might get the royal treatment. I mean it is already getting the royal dating sim treatment already.