The Perfect Balance
His rare is it to find an obnoxious anime that is actually easy to follow and understand? Pretty rare because I cannot remember any. Well maybe that is the wrong way of saying it. How often do you come across an obnoxious anime where the characters do not seem like they are constantly high? Yeah that fits much better. Again rare, as I cannot think of any anime like that. Most obnoxious animes contain one of two things. Episode plots that were written while on drugs or characters he lack intelligence. Yet they somehow manage to survive. This anime had neither.
I will admit some of the episodes stretched a little bit. However, none were just out there. Everything made sense at the end of the episode. That is the problem I have with these animes that play themselves off as obnoxious. They tend to fly way off into the clouds. They probably make more sense on various kinds of drugs. Not this anime, this anime is far more enjoyable on its own. Not to mention the odd blending of the anime.
In yet another rare occurence the authors managed to find a nice blend of all the genres they were trying to show. I believe that this was supposed to be an Ero, Action, Horror, Comedy. Everything seemed to fall nicely into place. It was weird really. Rarely is there an anime that just falls together so very nicely like that. There was not too much of one and not enough of the other.
I guess what I am saying is that if you want a nice do nothing, simple anime to watch. This is it, you do not really have to pay attention. There are plenty of obvious parodies and jokes in there as well.