Why Be Original When You Can Just Reuse?
The easiest thing to pick on in this anime is the never ending recycling of the same old jokes. Even worse is the fact that we have a bunch of adults acting like middle schoolers. Well I guess Tsumorin acted like an adult from time to time, but still this anime is just one rinse and reuse. The jokes were just the first thing I wanted to pick on.
I mean really, all the jokes are the same. Whether it be Fu-Girl and her zombie fetish. You know the fetish that makes very little sense. Considering that most zombies are not going to just let you sit there and beat them with a bat. There was the never ending joke at how Sensei had no "Girl Power". So the series was taking time to make fun of Sensei-chan for that. There was the whole silent manga god routine that Sommelier did. Really to see all the jokes that will just have slight augmentations with the different seasons you just need to watch the first couple of episodes. I mean at least the jokes had some kind of seasonal flavor. Not like the romantic tension.
You want the best example of how to do romance in anime. Make the situation awkward make boy and girl blush and then have boy and girl freak out. That describes about 95% of the different situations in this anime. Everyone had their pair except for Tsumorin, G-Men and Kameko who were there to add flavor and make things even more awkward. Everyone ran into the same routine for romance. Hiotan and Kantoku were the married couple. Sensei and Umio were the ones who acted like they were still in grade school and Fu-Girl and Sommiler exchanged silences. There were always so many different routines that were just reused at that moment when, in a hentai, the characters would just burst out into sex. Then there is the usual confusing part of the show.
I mean... when I look at this store... I guess if it were smaller it could be run by that many employees.. but this store was way too big to have such a small staff. I mean yeah I get it that this is supposed to emphasize a small happy workplace... but still.. it makes no sense. How exactly do you get eight people to essentially run a department store? Hmm well whatever I guess it is just anime magic. Then again, none of them ever seemed to do anything but work so, I guess in some warped way it all works out. Really the only thing that is worse is the glorification of the lonely otaku loser.
Again do not get me wrong this is a manga shop and it would stand to reason that the only people who could stand to work there are the most obnoxious otakus. Still they could have shown a few less scenes were people are not so pathetic. The whole giftmas routine was awfully played out. I guess that was to be expected since most anime tend to down play that whole aspect.. still though they could have at least tired to make it seem like there was more going on. I mean really why did we have to deal with all that nonsense of the couples swooning. It would have been much better if there were more random skits about the crap that is actually done to get through the holidays alone.
So overall for all the wonderful potential the anime has, this one falls short as just a mix of rinse and resuse. Really when you get to the meat of things you rinse and reuse pretty much everything from the jokes, to the romance skits, to the stereotypes. If you have seen anime any time in the last decade or so you will probably be rewatching something with a new character face on it. I gues that it is easier to get away with this stuff when it is all skit based. That does not change the fact that someone REALLY needs to work on changing the assumptions about how pathetic Otakus really are. At least the shop people still had their obsession I guess.