So I have been putting this off for some reason and I am not sure why. Anyway I really enjoyed this series. While it was a bit weird I just think I am not the target audience of high school Japanese females. However, the humor of the series really got me through this one.
It is true, I found myself wanting to watch this one every week just because it was so very ridiculous. Ah if only I could have been like a sound tech of the band. I could have sat around and watched as these females made idiots of themselves. I mean some of the shit that came out of their mouths. Even worse the very actions they performed. I mean come on, what human being wrote this, and where can I buy the drugs he or she was on? I am not even joking around. Granted I cannot recall any specific instance, yay no spoilers, but it is definitely obnoxious. Plus due to the focus on the humor and misadventures, there was very little character development.
If there is one thing I hate it is serious character development in comedies. Granted some dramas can be funny it still annoys me when all the characters have to grow for one reason or another. Now that is not to say that character development is non-existent. There is a litte, a VERY small amount. But for the most part the characters are all well developed. Which is great because that means that the stories can be funny. After all this one was only 13 episodes. I really hate animes where there is only 13 episodes and 6-9 of those episodes are character development of some kind. Sadly this is VERY regular occurrence. Then again, I may not have noticed the development in the two swimsuit episodes.
While I sound like some dirty old hebophile, there are 2 swimsuit episodes. Which is nice, not the most work safe, but nice. I think that this anime may not have done so well as most animes only get one swimsuit episode, and that is if there is a dominant female cast. But you can make most any crappy episode better if you throw females running around in bikinis into it. I am a little disappointed that their adviser did not bare anything. But their advisory was a bit of a weirdo anyway. A very very horny weirdo. It is always funny watching those desperate teachers.
So all in all this is a good anime in my book. Definitely worth a watch through sober and probably a later watch through while intoxicated. Granted it is hard to read while intoxicated. I would definitely pick this one up just too see how things get translated. Especially since now a lot of the lude behavior that comes with anime is not over written with happy American child humor.