Mashiroiro Symphony - The Color of Lovers
Well it is clearly a dating sim. Too bad it is not treated like one.
Shingo's school is shut down. Which opens up a chance for the local rich girls school to test out integration. Of course being a school of princesses Shingo's classmates, the male ones anyway are met with open hostility. As this once maiden sanctuary now has boys in it, all thanks to the drunk principle.
Of course being the most well known guy in school Shingo is chosen as the class rep. Where he gets to work with the biggest bitch of them all Airi. Who oddly enough displayed a much different character the first night Shingo met her.
Season 1 Episode 11
So This Is a Serious Anime?
Huh well this is certainly odd. I cannot remember the last time I saw an anime where a couple was formed and not bothered. I mean most of these cutesy love animes has the whole gang of bitter girls trying to intervene. Not that Sana is not being a bitch about it. Shingo is at least being mature about handling her... some how he gets lucky like that. Then there is the issue of Miu's mom.
This is one thing that I have always wondered. Why is it that the perverted parents NEVER leave their kids alone? Seriously, all Miu's mom has done is get in the way of those two. She should go away and leave them alone so they can start boinking each other. Not come in at every chance she gets to make sure they are doing it. Granted I foresee many doujinshis having fun scenarios like that.
Though I am still not sure about Sana. There is part of me that thinks she is going to lose her mind and kill Shingo and Miu. That would be kind of funny. She definitely strikes me as that kind of girl. She is going through the classic stages of acting. Then again.. given the fact that she has the kitties... I do wonder... that would be sad...
Season 1 Episode 9
Always the Guy's Fault
I am really starting to love the one ultimate truth of anime. No matter what happens. No matter what signals you send in the beginning. No matter what is said or done. The man is always at fault. I was kind of hoping that it would not happen with Sana. I liked her when she was a bitch. She was at least authentic. It was bad enough when Sena reformed herself. Then again, she at least is good at faking accepting that Shingo couldn't care less about her. Well in a romantic sense.
I kind of worry about the poor kitty Shingo. I mean Sana is crazy. So who is to say she won't take it out on the poor kitty. Even if she doesn't take it out on the kitty. She will be messed up as long as she has the kitty. Oh well she kind of deserves it for treating Shingo like crap. However, it is not like she did not flat out tell him that she hates guys. You would think she would understand why all of her advances bounce off of Shingo so easily.
Season 1 Episode 7
It has Begun
Is it just me or is it really awesome when really cute animes like this one are spiraling towards tragedy? I am serious, there is nothing more awesome then watching cute happy girls fall to the pits of darkness. It almost makes me wish one of them was homicidal. Of course I know I am wrong. After all, Shingo is pretty dense and his sister is really kind of oblivious.
To be honest I really do not feel bad for Sena. I mean... Shingo has been through a lot of stuff. So he probably did not get the nice flags that she was sending out. After all, he is the victim of abuse no matter where he goes right? Hell if Sana wants to move in because Sena is not mounting Shingo I say let her. I think the only person worse then Sena is Miu.
She is the one who pours this gasoline on the ground and then throws a match. Yes she is sweet, kind and innocent. However, no one who can properly nurse animals back to health is that innocent. I bet she is the drama queen. She finds those nice explosive containers and lines them up. Then she lights the match and watches them go off one by one by one. While she sits back with some popcorn and says "Oooooo Pretty"
I know this is a cute anime so there will be a happy ending. It is anyone's guess as to who will be the one Shingo gets with. However, I am sure there is a internet poll somewhere in Japan just waiting to come out with the answer. Better yet there is definitely a marketing scheme in the works to sell over priced DVDs and Blu-rays featuring an ending for each girl... the bastards.
Season 1 Episode 6
O_O No Violence in Bath Time?
Holy shit, I think that the holy taboo of anime was broken. You know when a guy is in the bath. Regardless of what the girl does if she is naked he receives a beating. Yet Shingo was naked with three different girls and received no such punishment. I know it wouldn't really go with the uhh mood of the story but still... I feel violated.
Speaking of which, what is the deal with Sena? Not that Shingo would actually put out for her because he is as sexually repressed as most guys his age. However, she is definitely making some bold moves. I mean wow... seriously... Sena is laying the moves on hardcore.
Season 1 Episode 5
The Wave Begins
One by one Shingo will seduce every girl in this anime. It has begun, the inevitable wave of women who are just going to throw themselves at him. Regardless of whether or not they are actually straight. It has begun, and it will not end until someone ends the anime. Though I have to say I did not really pick Sena as the top mate now. The opening features Ahama... so I was kind of expecting her to be more into him. Then again Shingo did not really have to work to get her affection. Next we have to have Sene fall for him. Then the jealousy of his sister will set in. Then if this was an H-Game. There would be a magical happy orgy at the end of this all... too bad I am not so lucky.
Season 1 Episode 1
The Classics Are Best
I already hate Airi. She is one of those bitch girls who is all nice and kind outside of school. However, once she learns that Shingo is attending her school. She has to go on permanent PMS? What the fuck, seriously, Shingo has done nothing. Hell he helped her out and was nice to her. Now she is a bitch just because he attends her school.
You know one of these days I want to see an anime where the guy is the open ass hole. You know where all the guys are openly hostile to a nice girl. When will people learn that needs to happen. I could totally write a story where the guy see women as nothing more than useless piles of flesh. It is not that hard. You take female dialog and translate it into male dialog the end. God this could be an annoying series. However, at least there is a cute looking cat thing.
Season 1 Episode 3
Another Dating Sim?
Is there really such a huge lack of anime story ideas that we have to plunder dating sims? Seriously, this is kind of annoying. Dating sims do not make good animes. After all, the whole point of them is to pursue a female. Yes there is the background story of what is going on... but... yeah you don't really have to care. Well other than to hit flags in the path you have chosen.
Maybe this is because of Yousga no Sora. However, that one worked out because each girl was given three episodes and there were boobies in it. This anime won't work so well because this does not strike me as an ecchi. The artwork is to bishoujo as well. Hmm... oh well lets see where they go with this crap. At least there has been an interesting turn of events.