Kyoukaisen-jou no Horizon
I am confused, but the costumes are cool and/or sexy so this seems worth it.
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Sometime in the distant future man has to leave the earth. I am not really sure why, I guess we fucked it up. Anyway they take to the sky flying around waiting for a time to return to the earth. So they can continue with history as it is supposed to happen. Only with lots of RPG classes and girls whose hair is the only thing bigger than their boobs.
Season 2 Episode 7
Brilliant Idea
You know I now realize why the author of this series did what he or she did. The author did it so that he or she could just make up things as the story went along. Think about it, if the universe is so incredibly complex and obnoxious. Then you have the free rein to do whatever you want. After all, it is not like anyone has really documented the story or anything. So by doing this you can just add things in randomly and all that kind of crap. While not hurting the overall objective of the story.
Season 1 Episode 11
Lets See That Magic
I see what is going on here. This story has no real plot right? It was all just a farce to draw really cool looking costumes and girls with big boobs right? I mean all the ones with chests are not doing anything but sitting around looking... uhh big chested? Well at least there are a lot of magical explosions. I will give the writer credit he or she did do a lot of research for all these spells.
I mean to have a magic field spell that revolves around the idea of Heliocentric universe. Plus whatever that thing involving the months was. I can also give him credit for the Lust armor of deadly sins. I mean that one was a good one. It destroys weapons it feels are unworthy. At least not all the armor of deadly sins are super destructive weapons... in a manner of speaking
Oh well, at least there is a whole lot more going on. I was getting kind of bored of just seeing them sit around and be political. Then again that is one of the major points of the story. The whole politics of the world and why going to war is bad and how to exploit it. All that stuff, the world is very complex.
Season 1 Episode 13
So This Was The Prologue
So I am not afraid to admit I am still lost with this show. I honestly do not have any idea what is going on in it. All I know is that it seems to have set up nicely for a second season. I can say that it is interesting to see how keeping my mind confused about what is going on makes me want to watch the second season. Even more I can say it is neat that I do not feel like this series was rushed... at least not anymore... if I already said I did... because I do not read my previous blogs before I post new ones
Season 1 Episode 9
Things Make a Little More Sense
So once again I am kind of left to ponder the way this world is set up. There seems to be a combination of democracy and monarchy. Only instead of the world being ruled by the adults. It is ruled by the kids... in some cases. In other cases it is not ruled by the kids. So... I kind of wonder who is the one who came up with this system?
Finally this anime appears to have some direction. Well at least things are less blurry. There have been too many random side stories introduced in this anime to really keep track of everything. I am worried that this whole anime might come crashing down on itself. After all, they might pull the plug after 13 episodes. It would not be the first time something like this has happened. Either way I will have to see.
Season 1 Episode 6
Still Lost
I still fail to see the plot of this anime. Just letting you know that I see explosions and bouncy boobies... that is all.
Season 1 Episode 3
I Am Still Confused
You know I still have no idea what is going on in this anime. I feel like I needed to play a game or something before I watched this. There is just a ton of stuff going on. I am still not sure exactly why the student council is so important or for that matter why there is an adult government. Not to mention the lack of variation in girls is kind of annoying.
So I have noticed a pattern in this anime. Hair and boobs seem to be of equal proportion. If a girl has a chest that might accidently kill someone then she has enough hair to make an outfit. If the girl is... well a guy then she has very little hair. You know almost like a normal girl. The best part is that the girls with big hair have complex hair styles as well. Which makes me wonder. How long does it take for them to get their hair looking so bouncy and nice?
Season 1 Episode 1
What The Hell Just Happened?
So I am sitting here wondering what just happened. First I see what appears to be some kind of military squad. However, I think it was a class and they were playing tag with their teacher. Then there were some explosions and running. Then all of the sudden there was a ton of RPG classes being thrown out at me. Then there was lots of bouncy boobies. Finally there was a joke about an ero-game. A student groped his teacher,and said student's sister told him to stick his dick in light socket. To finish things off there was a really quick and uhhh over arching view of what was going in the world.... yeah I have no fucking clue what is going on... but in a good way.