Thats all Folks
This anime is too short. This is a perfect example of bad writing. Well that or the writer was told he or she was going to get more episodes than they thought. This anime could have stood as an episodic anime. Had they just focused on Huey and Dalian. However, they decided that there needed to be a story.
As far as I can tell there are three Bililoprincesses. Two get some kind of explanation. The third is just there. Even then only one is really given any kind of plot or background story. The others are just thrown in to say that there are more than one of these girls floating around. I am guessing they were going for a collector, seeker, destroyer model. Then again, how exactly do you explain the pink haired girl.
Seriously, there is a fourth girl in this one. Huey has some kind of crush or something like that one her. He promised to take her out of Dalian. However, they never really explain how he met her. She is just there and occasionally appears to complain about how Huey promised to take her out. She also complains about how Huey ruined her because she was content until he came along. Like I said, she randomly appears. Then at the very end Huey decides it is time to take her out. What the hell is up with that? Dalian and Huey are on their own mission and BOOM suddenly Huey wants to free her. What the hell is up with that. No warning, no build up. Just OMG zombies let me bang her before I die.
Overall, this series suffers from being cut short. The writer was clearly gearing up for at least 26 episodes. When someone comes along and says they have 12. As a result the world is incomplete. There are huge plot holes and plenty of unexplained things. I guess they could be building suspense and demand for another season. Then again they ended it in such a way that it can stay dead for a long time if the need arises. Maybe I am missing something?