Makes You Feel Wonderfully Pedo
I guess the author thought that his or her story was not good enough on its own. You know one of those coming of age stories where the characters find themselves through some kind of... I don't know task. You know the same story that has been told over and over again through out the end of time. The kind of story that has to be inspirational and all that jazz. Well I guess the author was either a deviant pedophile, or a bad author. Because there is a time and a place to be ecchi.
The wrong time has been chosen in this one. This anime is a prime example of why all Otaku's are seen as pedophiles. Who decided it was a good decision to write an ecchi revolving around elementary school kids? Again, there is a time and a place for ecchi. I am pretty sure that time starts at the earliest in the second year of middle school. Probably closer to the first year in high school. However, I guess all these girls were hard 12s so, GRASS ON THE FIELD PLAY IT!!!
This show spends way too much time on parading elementary school girls around pretty much naked. What kind of anime has three straight swimsuit episodes? I mean come on the least they could have done was made it a swim team anime. This was a basketball anime. Yet you decide to have nothing to do with basket ball for 25% of the series? That is a pretty big chunk. Then of course there is a random beach episode with even more swimsuits. What the hell is wrong with this guy? This is an anime about basketball. At least that was the original premise of the anime.
Sadly, I think that the author got bored of writing about basket ball and decided to switch over to romance. Sorry, I don't care if these characters ages are not that different. There is a time and a place. That time and place is when you are an adult or closer to adulthood. Not when you have just started the adulthood race. This anime would at least be acceptable if Subaru was in college and the girls were almost in high school. I guess all women lose their purity at age 13 right? So why not have a fall from innocence while they are still fresh right?
The characters are pretty boring as well. There is no real character development. There are plenty of attempts at character development, but no actual character development. They try, they try VERY VERY HARD, and fail. Any lessons learned by the characters are forgotten the next episode. They all go through some kind of ordeal. Then suddenly that ordeal is not there any more. Airi is the worst one about this. She goes through several trials about her height complex and never learns anything or grows. The only characters who grow a little are Tomoka and Subaru. The rest have character development for the sake of saying there was an episode with character development. I am pretty sure that a few did not even get a full episode.
Anyway, this is one of those animes you can only really watch if you are a girl. At least as a girl you can play off the whole "OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE" idea. If you are a guy, I would recommend you pretend like you never watched this. Because with the amount of swimsuits in this anime. You will proudly wear the label of pedophile. Especially if you openly watch this anime.