Dog Days
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
In a magical world where everyone has dog, cat or bunny ears. There is a war going on. A war with no real bad side, as no one dies. Really it is kind of like two sports teams playing each other. Anyway, the Biscotti Republic is getting its ass kicked. So Princess Biscotti, decides to use her magic to summon a hero. This hero just happens to be a middle schooler in Japan named Shinku.
Season 2 Episode 10
Those Who Become Naked
So I understand why the heros lose their clothes. I really do, that makes sense then are not from the world. However, does being a commander of something revoke your ability to become an animal ball? That is something that does not makes sense for me. You have all these commander girls getting all their cloths blown off... yet all the minions become balls. Then the explanation as to who they tell if someone has died is that they become balls... I just do not get it.
Season 2 Episode 8
Excited To Get It Over With
You know these days I am finding that I need to have much thicker skin if I am going to be an anime critic. This can be seen in the anime I watch. I have lots of anime that I like and want to watch. However, I always seem to race to the choices that I do not want to watch. Like this anime. I think it is because I want to get the suffering over with. I also think that is why I fall behind on anime that I really like.
I seem to do that a lot all the anime I want to watch I save up until I can have one heavy drug induced session where I can watch it all and basically have an orgasm. It is kind of sad because I tend to put it off when I know it is something I am going to enjoy. Oh well at least I am keeping up this time around. My next goal is to actually get reviews out when the series are done.
Season 2 Episode 5
Really This Lame?
I will admit that the first season had its lulls. I will admit that there were times when the series seemed pointless. Every series that is worth watching has those lows. That is just fine in my book. The problem is when there has yet to be an up. When is the up going to come? I want to know, when there is actually going to be a story to watch. Because I do not see any story coming around any time soon.
Season 2 Episode 3
Going Anywhere?
Well that was a very long and pointless introduction. I mean wow... what the hell? At least in the last season they had a few drawn out things... but in this one they seem to just not care. What does the author get off on innocence or something? Well clearly not because there are boobies flying around everywhere. I do not know... I find it very hard to believe that this anime is going anywhere. Especially since there are no love polygons going on. Was this one a dating sim too? Anyway I am nice and confused about this one as well.
Season 2 Episode 1
Took A Few Queues From Wrestling
I think that the writer for this series decided that what they did in the last series was not cool enough. So now we need elaborate entrances and theme music for all the commander class characters. I cannot say that I am surprised that everything turned out this way. I mean seriously it is not like this is something that was hard to guess at. Though it was funny how poor Becky was tricked into coming into the world.
You know being summoned to a world to just sit around and watch people would be really boring in my book. Yeah I am out of shape and would get my ass kicked, but I think that if I were summoned to a world where I could blow things up and not have to worry about hurting people. I would totally want in on that. However, I am a guy, so that might have something to do with these thoughts of mine.
Though I do find if funny how they introduced one of the lesser used anime people types, the Squirrel. Yes I was not really expecting that. I think the fetish with them is their big fluffy tails. Granted I am not sure why to be honest... but at the end of the day I think we finally have all of the anime fetishes covered. Now lets see where this go nowhere set up is going to take us.
Season 1 Episode 1
I am Torn
On one hand I am happy to see a harem anime where the main character is not a complete and total failure of a human being. It is a nice change. He is oblivious and at least appears to be smart enough to function as a par to society. It is rare to see a hero like this.
On the other hand, this might shape up like Strike Witches for me. Where all the various animal earred people just make it hard to take this anime seriously. Just like in Strike Witches where all the panties just drove me up the wall. It is hard to watch a series when the whole point seems to be playing to some kind of fetish.
Then again... I wonder how long it will take for them to make plushies of those little cat balls that appear whenever someone is "Killed"