Suite Pretty Cure
Thats right another pretty cure. Lets see if the random CG can make this one any different from the rest. The disco dancing ending is a nice change though.
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
The Pretty Cure equation: <Magical Place> + <Evil Force> + <Something that has to be found> + <2 to 5 females> + <Cute companions> = PRETTY CURE SHOW.
Now to fill in the blanks. In the magical world of Major Land. The peoples emotions are dictated by a song. The song of happiness must be sung to keep the citizens out of a crushing depression. Well those in Minor Land despise Major Land's happiness. So Mephisto rewrites the happiness song into a sadness song. In a desperate attempt to save her world Aphrodite sends all the notes of the happiness song to earth.
Enter in the two females, whose names I cannot remember. Once they were the best of friends. Now they are bitter opposites. Well bitter opposites in denial anyway. I think there is some deep repressed lesbian feelings between the two of them. Anyway, they are the chose warriors who will fight for Major land against Minor land and bring the song of happiness back. Coupled with their magical kitten. They will return peace to major land... or something.
Season 1 Episode 1
Sometimes They Try Too Hard
I am getting kind of tired of how hard the writers try in shows like this one. Yes I get it they are polar opposites who were once friends. Let us not force a struggle between the two of them like this. I mean, I guess it is ok if they are going to become lovers or something. Otherwise this just gets really annoying. Yes you hate each other but don't. Just make out and get it over with.
Or at least if you are going to try so hard to hate each other do it in a sexy way. You know, have an argument in the steamy shower room while tripping over soap and falling on each other and all that fan service nonsense. Go why do they try so hard to make these females hate each other?