Goblin Slayer
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Goblins are weak monsters, a lot of new adventurers say that they managed to chase off some goblins from their village when they were younger. This feat gives them the confidence to go out and become adventurers. However, goblins are not that weak, in large number they can raid villages and plunder, rape and kill everyone. Plenty of novice adventurer parties set out on what they think will be an easy quest, but they are never seen again. Which is where the Goblin Slayer comes in. He only takes on goblin slaying quests. His only real purpose in life is making sure that he can wipe goblins off the face of the planet.
Season 1 Episode 4
It is just a Job
I guess we were bound to run into one of these pests eventually. The ones who have their own idea about how the world works and fails to understand that for some people they might disagree. This elf person, Yunde, is really kind of a narcissist. She is all pissy because she did not have a super fun adventure where there were all rainbows and sunshine. So now she is going to follow this guy around until she can take him on a " Real Adventure". I guess that she fails to see how damaged Orcbolg, as she calls him, is. You do not specifically ask for one type of task and see it out to perfection with obsessive detail for years and then suddenly decide you are going to change your mind and make sure that you can have a fun adventure with all your buddies. Oh well, I kind of hope she is going to give up hope along the way. Time will tell I guess.
Season 1 Episode 3
A Wasted Episode
Ugh, man I am not liking this whole looking into the world and past and stuff. I do not care very much about the past and present life of the other characters. I mean the whole biology and life of the goblins are vastly more interesting than some stupid elf who cannot keep her hands to herself. I mean there are actually classes of goblins that are considered heroes or kings. That will make for an exciting episode, but no now I have to wait because they wanted to make Goblin Slayer seem less like a lunatic and more like a person. Ugh, it is so very gross and annoying.
Season 1 Episode 2
He is Hardcore
Wow, I have to give our goblin slaying friend some credit where credit is due. It takes someone who is dedicated to the cause to never take off his helmet no matter what. However, given the usual backstory, it is obvious why he feels the way that he does. I mean can you blame him, he was lucky not to be burned alive while he saw what he saw. Ah yes, the real awakening of a hero.
Though I am getting a little annoyed with Shinkan. I mean, sure being compassionate is a good thing and all, but she takes it to an extreme that is rather annoying. I mean in the last episode she watched the goblins start having their fun with one of the girls, and she had to watch Goblin Slayer put down the other. I kind of wish that she would think a bit harder as to why this needs to be done. I guess that you need to have that contrast as someone who has fallen from innocence shows and innocent the way the world works, but at the same time listening to her really annoys me.