Made in Abyss
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
So in the future or something the world discovered a giant hole. No one knows how deep the hole goes, but there is a lot of cool stuff in it. So people come to loop in the hole and find stuff and get famous and all that jazz. As you can imagine this creates a lot of orphans as parents go off and get themselves killed. Well thank god for people taking advantage of that situation.
Enter Riko, a child of a legendary Digger, as they are called, who, of course, is dead. One day while looking for stuff Riko finds what appears to be a boy with metal arms and stuff. So she takes him back to the orphanage. Where they learn to be diggers in an attempt to get that legendary White Whistle. I guess Riko also wants to follow in her moms foot steps or something, as well.
Season 1 Episode 2
Another Annoying Protagonist
Ugh... again... the protagonist who just chases after their, most likely dead, parent? No no, my mom is just living in the abyss waiting for me to come drop by for a visit. It is not like I am taught every single reason as to why she is dead. No I am going to say that I will find my way down there and never find her and pretend like she is still alive. Man, I guess having a goal is good but this is just obnoxious.
Then again when you have nothing and are basically treated like a slave I guess living that way is better. I hope that they flesh out what exactly separates the white whistle from the black whistle. I mean, who gets to decide who is what? I do not know, it is getting kind of weird given how many different types there are and how the only one with no real distinction is the white whistle. I will never understand these anime with people who are crazy but I guess that is why they succeed or something?
Season 1 Episode 4
Everyone Has a Scheme
Is it just me or is everyone in this anime some kind of evil schemer who is out to do something or get someone or do something like that. First we have our groups of kids who are planning on running away. Then we have the other kids plotting to protect the runaways. Then there is the leader who is trying to catch them. Ugh seriously, this is just one of those times where I am just kind of annoyed by the fact that everyone seems to have some kind of scheme. Oh well I guess that is supposed to make this interesting and suspenseful.
Season 1 Episode 6
Magical Stuff
Huh well that was an interesting twist for the box they found. I mean huh well at least they are trying to make this anime seem like there is a lot more going on then you would think. It is nice to have that distraction from how the only thing that Riko seems to know is trivia about the cave. Which is good in all of its own ways, but also useless because well if you cannot protect yourself and you get eaten well then you are pretty much useless. It is kind of nice to know that without Reg Riko would have died after her first day. Oh well at least there are some interesting points in here from time to time.
Season 1 Episode 10
The Cover Character
You know would think that a character who is so prominently featured on the cover of the Amazon page would have a great deal more screen time. No we just met her like an episode ago which is kind of weird. Still I guess that a furry will bring in more people. Though I am pretty sure that most of those people would have left a while ago because the furry was not a part of it. At least we get to see how amazingly useless Riko is.
While I do admire her ummm determination to cut off her own arm. Well I guess it is another one of those things where we know that once again had Reg not been there to be her human shield the story would be over and we would focus on something else. Oh well at least this is getting going.
Season 1 Episode 12
Another Sidekick
Wow, that was a lot of history for a side character. I guess they wanted to get all of her stuff out of the way first so they would not have to recap it and they would just focus on the story. Though it was interesting to see how she became the furry bunny it was a bit long winded for my tastes. Oh well, at least the story is done we can put the past behind us and move on because guess what there is nothing more to really know about her other than what we have watched these past couple of episodes.