Well this is a good series, however, its biggest strength is its greatest weakness as well. And that is the fact that it is very wordy. To be honest I am not sure what the author of this series intended, but at times there is entirely too much talking. This comes in the form of certain aspects of baseball being explained in GREAT detail or Toukji explaining in great detail his plan, or one of the other characters doing same thing. It is like the author set out to show people baseball is a worth while sport.
Someone must have insulted baseball to an avid fan because the amount of information that put into this show is not needed. I do not need to know the info about fast balls. Really a lot of this information is pretty moot. Granted it is nice to know why certain things work. However, it is annoying to no end to see the same idea broken down into little pieces several times. Take for instance when they played the Bugaboos.
The author had to have spent an entire episode animating and narrating everything that went on. Time and time again the author wasted my time and yours explaining each of the steps of Johnson stealing home. It was the same damn narration every fucking time. Until the very end when the explained how Tokuji managed to defeat Johnson. Then by the time that came around I could not care less.
I also hated the fact the Tokuji was god. Yup he was god and could not be beaten. Seriously, that is the last thing we need is a show that tells people they can get anything by being enough of a bastard and being observant. I mean seriously Tokuji only lost once in the entire series. And that lose only came because he decided to point it out to everyone. It would have been nice if his salary fluctuated a bit. Like once he got up to two billion yen they make him lose a bit. Then again, I guess the whole point of this series was to show that Tokuji knew exactly what he was doing. However, it is seriously old by now.
So minus the writing and the god complex they give the main character this series is definitely worth watch through. I can only hope for a season two where they fix a few of these issue that I have with this series, however, that is always wishful thinking. Like hell they would make Tokuji seem mortal.