A Small Town Anime
I guess I am enjoying the new ideas on anime. You know it is kind of funny when you think about a lot of anime that is set in a small town. The meaning of small town is a bit.. uhhh stretched? I am not sure what the right word for it would be. However, the "Small Towns" is not really that small. It has enough of a population to allow it to become almost a hub. You have lots of stuff that makes life more or less convenient at times. There are shops stores and everything in between. However, this anime has the real definition of a "Small Town".
After all, there are only a total of what 6 students in the school? You do not get much smaller than that. Really, it is almost kind of a weird thing calling the small town a town. Maybe they decided to take the town to an extreme. You know make it so that we were sure that there was going to be something to see or something. So really it is an interesting view of what life is and what a town is.
So the who super small town thing gives it the main charm for the show. You have one character who has never lived in some place like that coming and learning what it is like. Then you have the other characters who are mystified by the city girl. So it is one of those anime where you can really see the contrast if you look hard enough. There are not many anime out there where the characters live such... I guess different lives. Plus then it turns into watching Renge perform What the #$@% moments.
We all love Renge, I am pretty sure she is the main character... though I am not sure why.. I mean it is not like she just moved to the new town right? Well whatever, I guess you cannot expect the world to know anything. Renge is there for the comic relief as she is the starry-eyed first grader who has so much innocence and exploring to do. Her obnoxious antics make the community happy or something.. I am not sure. All I know is that one major appeal of this anime, the things Renge says and does.
So overall this anime is ok I guess. You cannot really complain too much about the sitcom anime when it comes out. They still seem to be pretty popular, the anime about nothing. The anime where everyone is running around and making life interesting for themselves and you only have 5 friends because that is the sum total of the child population in the city that you are living in. So it is not really something that you need to think about too much. Just a thought about how things are supposed to work or something like that. I am sure this is a nice filler/change anime for when you are burnt out of your favorite genre.