Maria Holic
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
You are a female, who is abusing your family's alumn status to get into a fairly exclusive all female school. Only to experience the love your parents did when they met at the school. The problem, aside from it being an all girls school, our heroine is terrified of men. So much so that she breaks out in hives when she is touched or touches them (Girls Bravo anyone). Hmm wait this isn't a problem you are at an all girls school, you have your choice of carpet. Until you learn about the one man there.
Yes the grandson of a pervious headmaster attends the school. Yes he attends an all females school... he is disguised. However, now you know his terrible secret. So what does he do, to ensure his secret is safe? He moves in with you, and to make matters worse he has a maid. A maid who is so loyal and obidient that she would sacrifice her own dignity for them. Life will become interesting when you are tettering on the edge of being accused of rape all the time.
Season 1 Episode 1
The Man the Bitch and the Lesbo
Hmmm... this series intriuges me. After all in the first episode you get hit with a bitch of a maid, a crossdresser and a lesbo. Not to mention they throw in the whole worshiping Mary, holy mother of jesus. Huh... was the person who wrote this high or something? Seriously, where do they come up with this stuff. Oh yeah I forgot to mention th Cat Girl. Exactly what kind of Shoujo anime is this? This the first one where I have seen a female fawing over other females. Was well as nearly bleeding to death while observing a bra. This anime has caught my attention.
You know at first I saw all the glamorous drawings of tall females, skinny females, in cute school uniforms. Then there was the talking about love and wanting to find love. And I thought, a shit another crappy Shoujo about the same thing as all other shoujo animes. But I was pleasently suprised to find out that I was wrong. Seriously at first I was confused about Kanoko's intentions. I mean it is not every day you come to an all girls high school looking to bag a teacher. Hell I will say it even seems wrong. But things slowly fell into place as her actions and reactions came about. The question of the day, how long did it take you to figure out Kanoko is a homosexual?