Muhyo to Roji no Mahouritsu Soudan Jimusho
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Are you having trouble in life, is there no explanation? Do you think that this is the result of a curse or possession or something like that? Have you turned to others for help but cannot seem to find any relief? Well, you are looking for a magical lawyer. People who can use their gift of magical law to help break the curse or possession that might be haunting you. All you need to do is believe the weird advertisement put out by Muhyou and Rouji
Season 1 Episode 3
Japan and Talent
I do enjoy the fascination that Japan has with highly talented individuals. You know people who are good at something just because they seem to be born with a gift. I mean on one end you have the hard work will always pay off crowd and the other you have the talented individuals are just ass holes because they do not have to work as hard. It is always kind of a fascinating thing to watch. It is one of those ideas that I have a hard time telling if Japan is against the whole being talented thing or not.
I am very interested to see where this anime goes. I mean people wanting to succeed as a form of revenge is not a new idea. However, it is always interesting when you get to see someone go nuts and literally sell their soul for the power to beat someone who might understand something better. Then again, I guess the ones who lack talent rarely keep their wits about them as they work hard and consistently fail.