I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Hanada Senshuu is a famous calligrapher. One day he enters a piece in a contest. The piece is brutally torn apart by a much older peer and member of something to do with this.. I was not paying attention or cannot remember something. Anyway, Hanada throws a temper tantrum which leads him to punch this old guy in the face. As such his dealer recommends that he take a trip to the remote Gotou islands to renew and refresh himself to get him back on his feet.
Hanada is a city boy so nothing could prepare him for life in an extremely small rural community. Where all the local kids seem to take an instant liking to him. The leader of this gang of troublemakers is Naru. She seem to be having the largest influence on poor Handa in the form of basically driving him crazy.... and trying to make him surrogate family. Is this really what Hanada needs to get back into the world?