Ao Haru Spring
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Back in middle school Futaba fell in love some a boy named Kou. However, like all anime involving time jumps a misunderstanding lead her to become an enemy in his eyes.. or convince him that she was not all that interested. This scarred her for a very long time until high school. In high school she reinvented herself on being the least feminine female in school. That is why Kou reappears after disappearing shortly after their originally scheduled date.
After this and that happens, Kou and Futaba are just restarting their high school careers. This is the nauseatingly deep story about kids who just need to get it over with and start screwing. Plus all the people who surround them who have subsequent frustrations with relationships and stuff.
Season 1 Episode 6
I Am SHOCKED!!!! Shocked I Tell You
ugh.... crap I think I dropped the wrong series... well whatever.. I guess I do hate other anime more than this one.. but still.. I am not sure if I can get excited to watch this anime once. You know just once could there be an anime where the main character is actually oblivious to what is going on? I mean really why exactly does Kou have to treat Futaba with such.. I don't know poise? I think that is the right word... ugh well whatever... I guess that it is too much to ask for him to be like "Oh I have a life of my own and need to get back to it" Just once I want a male lead to pretend like he has some god damn balls and go about treating the female like a person. I know damn well that if a girl forgot something and I was on the train i would tell her to enjoy her walk home... uhg.. well I guess that is just how this series works out for me eh? I suddenly remember why I hate anime like this... at least if this was a hentai someone would have had sex by now. That would change up the mood in a favorable light.
Season 1 Episode 2
One of Us is Wrong
Okay have you ever had one of those times when you watch anime and you wonder who is screwed up? In this particular anime, they are constantly referring Futaba as this unfeminine female. I get kind of confused on this part.. you know because she is not particularly acting like a tomboy or anything. It is not like she is wearing the boys uniform and doing everything in her power to look like a boy. No.. for the most part she looks like a female. Maybe I just do not get females, but she is WAY to put together for me to be like "Damn, that is not a chick". I mean if I did not feel that it was such a waste of time I would have no problem dating her. She seems like she is a great deal more stable than those prom queens that are portrayed as feminine. Especially the ones who do not do anything to be girly.
Season 1 Episode 4
He is Only Human
Man... I really feel bad for this teacher. He is a decent guy who is just trying to get by. Then he has a super hot female who is probably well-known in the school throwing herself at him while at a secluded camp. I mean geez we are only human... I admire his conviction though, best to not become labelled as a rapist.. you know because it is not like a female can throw herself at a male. I even like how he is handling things. He is not being mean about it oblivious. Yet hear comes little miss heartthrob.
I do enjoy it when the female looks like the desperate loser though. I mean it is not like she has given up on getting her meat pole. No instead she is going to be a total bitch about, you know for the rest of the series. Then again, it is not like she has anything to lose by getting rejected or making advances. God I hate her so much, I mean damn why is she such a loser about this? She is all jumping around on the poor guy and what can he do? I mean geez he cannot do anything but just take it from her.. you know because if he is anything but polite he becomes the bad guy.. ugh I hate her so much.
Season 1 Episode 5
That Was A Surprise Right?
You know, they had me slightly fooled for a bit. They made me think that Yuuri was just some cute background noise. You know designed to sell tons of different costumed figures to losers who fall in love with her charm and innocence. Then... well we know the rest of the story.. ugh.. well.. I guess most romantic anime do not always have the male and female lead just hitting it off. I mean.. why would we do that? Well except for how the first couple of episodes went... hmm well whatever, I guess that we need some extra conflict in there. After all, it is not like Futaba is actually supposed to want her old flame right?