Golden Time
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Tada has just been admitted to law school in tokyo. Not used to the new life he finds himself running late to the opening ceremonies and then stalking a couple of girls to learn the layout of the town. After losing the girls he bumps into Yanagiaswa who was apparently shadowing these girls for the same reason as him. As such the two hit it off in a near perfect friendship right from the start. That is until a taxi pulls up and out steps Kaga,Yana-san's old childhood friend.
Turns out Kaga is convinced that she and Yana-san are meant to be together. When the truth is that Yana-san came to tokyo to escape the obsessive one-sided love that Kaga has. Tada learns all of this and given how hot Kaga is he falls in love with her. Seems that Tada is off to a great start with his new life in college. Especially since he is running from his former life as well. After all, he has no memory of anything before he was 18.
Season 1 Episode 7
The Couple
Huh well that was weird.. you mean that in this anime the adults are actually going to act like adults? You know instead of the usual routine that these animes take. You know where everyone runs around and pretends like they do not know what is going on? Then at the end the romance starts just in time to make season 2 into a hentai? You mean that these characters are actually going to start getting together or something. I wonder what sin has been caused in the anime world to make something like this happen. I mean what the hell... this is very not in this genre. Oh well, I guess change is not a bad thing.
Season 1 Episode 2
Why is the Tea Club Lame?
Holy crap, the Tea ceremony club sure knows how to recriute. I mean holy crap what is with Tada, when there is a party with a bunch of drunk girls dancing around in their underwear in a public area you know that is something you have to get in on. Yet in traditional anime wuss form Tada and 2D-Kun sit and hide instead of getting really drunk and molesting anything with a bra on it. I mean holy christ what is wrong with some guys. Not that I am one to really talk, I mean I would have not even gone out in the first place back in college. Oh well, it is still kind of like a no brainer... drink tea, be around hot girls, then later be around mostly naked drunk hot girls. Geez... why is everyone in anime so... well I cannot find the word.
Season 1 Episode 3
Really Everyone Got Into the Vans?
You know even back when I was in college I was smart enough to spot a cult when I saw one. I mean seriously, when a group shows up wearing uniform with track suits and everyone around me is a vulnerable loser like myself, that just screams "CULT!!!" Then again, I guess I might have gone along to see their brainwashing regiment. I mean it is not completely obvious that they are a cult when they take you to a far away mansion where there is no cell phone reception. Well at least Tada was smart enough to deal with the situation.
Season 1 Episode 5
Enter the Twist
Here comes the twist, and such an unusual twist it was really. Well I am not sure I guess it was something that I could have predicted. However, it is really hard to write about it without giving away too many spoilers. Granted... they did not really make certain other things very obvious until later on. Oh well, I guess sometimes anime you need to keep out certain details. I guess this is going to be one of those coming of life sad animes in the future.
I will call them out on their lame foreshadowing. I mean christ, really did you have to give away that much right from the get go? When you put something so incredibly obvious and blatant out there as to what amnesia could be it has no other potential but to be that and that annoys the crap out of me. Oh well I guess that the author is at least leaving us in some kind of suspense by not revealing all the truths right away. That is always better than what they normally do.