This anime is a new cyberpunk for those who may have been born after Ghost in the shell. The anime paints a pretty vivid reality and makes lots of very interesting points about how the world wants to work at times. I am pretty sure that there are some small political ideas behind this as well. I think they relate more to japan than any place else.
I think the whole idea behind the sybil system has something to do with removing peoples ability to.. well have to decide. Well not the main character of course. She is the first in the next generation of super powered people who can override the system. I think the thing I liked the most about the way the story was written was the many points that are made throughout the anime about various things. The main one being on peoples ability to think. It is really kind of funny when you sit back and look at how much find is poked at how little people think. I mean no one really has any opinions or anything in the anime. Well unless you count all the so-called bad guys.
I like the bad guys in this anime as well. After all most of them are just pawns in some bigger scheme of things. I like it when one psychopath is taking all sorts of other psychopaths and unleashing them on the masses. It is a rather intersting thing to see and watch. Even if it does get a little boring. However, that is just how thing are in this anime.
Finally a lot of effort was put into the artwork and stuff that went into this anime. I have to say that is one of the major good points about this anime. There is a lot of detail and design that went into the anime. Maybe not on the main characters, but on all the tools and guns and stuff like that. There is more than enough design that went into making them look flashy and cool.
So overall, this anime was pretty enjoyable to watch. You do not see many animes like it out there. Well not many that do Cyberpunk right anyway. The story is fun to watch and follow. Plus it is can be a fun task to unravel the mystery of the anime as well. Who or what is in control and how are they controlling everything. You know stuff like that. Interesting stuff like that anyway. So yeah, you should give this anime a good watch.