Space Runaway Ideon
Amuro has an Afro, you know that is awesome
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Humans have taken quit a trip into space. They have left the happy Milky way and established a colony on the planet Solo in the Andromeda galaxy. There they find some weird looking ruins. These ruins happen to turn into a super gigantic robot. They also find it next to its space ship. Oddly enough all constructed from technology they already have... yet thousands of years old?
Anyway, before they could laugh at there being such things buried. The earthlings are attacked by the buff clan. Who are searching for something called the Ide. Fearing hostility the Buff clan dawns their super tight clothes, caps, muscles, and white pupils and attacks the earthlings. Who for some reason cannot tell the difference between the two. The Buff Clan chases the humans off Solo. As they wage war to... do... something I guess? I am not really sure.
Season 1 Episode 24
You Know an Anime is Good When...
You can have a full on discussion about anime and surf the net and all sorts of other stuff. Occasionally looking up to see about... half the subtitles and know exactly what is going on. Granted this one was better. I mean the episode actually had a little depth beyond Ideon fight the bad guys.
Season 1 Episode 3
A Trip Down Memory Lane
It is funny to watch this anime. It makes me remember there was a time when radar was the end all be all of technology. It is just funny to watch what we thought was super advanced only 32 years ago.
Season 1 Episode 8
Star Wars
Did anyone notice how in the first episode Bes had a light saber. Then it magically disappeared until now? Where did it go? Was it just a mistake? Speaking of Bes what the fuck happened to him. He was practically a Jedi in the first episode. You know leaping over the walkers to decapitate the pilots. Some how managing to avoid getting shot. Yet now he is a wuss? What the hell happened? How does someone go from being awesome to being a wuss?