Nan Desu Kan 2008
So two weeks pass and here I am again at yet another con. Lucky for me this con is in my home town. It is a funny thing because I remember attending this very same Con back in 10th grade.... or was it 11th... I can't remember it was one of those two. And here I am again attending this con. It is always nice to attend cons that have some history to them. Anyway the size of this con is much larger then Anime Vegas. This is seen right at the get go when I have to wait in line for 30 or 40 minutes just to pick up my pre-registration. Seriously 40 minutes to pick up something I took care of back in.. January? Anyway, after I picked up my badge it was off to the dealer room. And yet again we are in another line. This one is even longer, it has already streched around part of the lobby. Seriously and this is an hour before open. Lucky for me and my friend pre-regs get to go into the dealer room 30 minutes before everyone else. It is good to pre-register.
So after a nice romp around the dealer room trying to find stuff to buy, which was a little harder, it is time for our first panels. Sadly it was pretty slim pickings for panels at this con. So most of my time was spent running around the lobby and con areas looking for cosplay pics and watching anime in the various video rooms. But I guess this is the plight of larger cons, they have to play to the "fan" base more than they have to whatever base I am. But I guess that my mind and body were still weak from lack of sleep due to Spore and I was really kind of scared to deal with that in particular base of individuals. Next year I think I should suck things up a little more and suffer through the fan peoples. Because now that I am little more lucid I can se that there were plenty of other panels that would have been useful or at least intriguing to see. But hey part of going to anime cons is sampling anime. Saturday was a little better since the Robotech tour was at this con. I am not much of a fan of Robotech just yet, but that may change after I watch it. Those were pretty interesting. I was able to learn the history or Robotech and see some interesting items released in its honor. Otherwise, there was the annoying cosplay Green Rooms taking up all of the rooms, thus leaving all the not so wanted panels to the unwashed masses. And then Sunday, well that was a wrap up day for me. Spend the last of my money, watch some anime, hit the last few panels that sounded interesting and then I was off. I was pretty beat too, Lack of sleep and lots of walking will do that to you. But hey at least I was able to see some cool costumes.
Yes my review of the Cosplay at the Con. First off I must say that I was rather annoyed at most of the females. Mainly because they used this an a chance to dress up in ways that would be rejected by normal society. I find this amusing and annoying. Amusing because some were hot and therefore worthy of seeing. More annoying because most were not hot and most were very unoriginal. While I do believe that cons should be about the culture around anime. I do not believe that people should dress up in what they think is an anime character. For instance I saw a few females who wore the robes the Aktuski.. or whatever from Naruto wear. And underneath they decided to throw on some lingerie... OOOO very original. Then there were the dozens of thrown together Pokemon costumes. And by thrown together I mean a bikini, a skirt, and ears of some kind. Again hot, and not and not very original. The lack of original cosplay was very apparent as the number of cult cosplays grew at this con. I did not mention it on Anime Vegas. However, aside from the usual Naruto, Bleach, and Fullmetal Alchemist armies. There were the Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Trinity Blood factions here. Ok now I do not expect people to all come as unique characters. But I would like some variety. Then again I tend to want more than people can give. But I will say that there were enough FANTASTIC cosplays, such as Gundams, Actual Pokemon body costumes, and a Virtual On girl (who was probably like 10) to round things out. It was kind of odd I felt like I was one of those who fell into the middle. Oh well better start saving, my costume for next year needs to be awesome.
Anyway, again my mental state prevented me from reporting on the con on a daily basis. But I am pretty sure that most of you are glad, seeing as how my last con review was rather long. Over all I had fun at the con. It was fun being a character nobody knew, that meant my picture was taken less, and that people praised me more for my costume. I am kind of scared of next year my character will be a little better known. And I hope that I do not get stuck in the halls being constantly photographed by people... but such is the way of the awesome well known costume. Anyway I am looking forward to next year, hopefully the con will be at a bigger hotel so that it seems less cramped.