The Anti-Spore
So today, while on Kotaku I was lead to a very interesting site called Anti-Spore. And I must say that I LAUGHED my ass off. I mean seriously to think that someone actually believes the shit that is being spewed on this site. I mean I have read a lot of propaganda and garbage in my time but this seriously takes the cake. Honestly any idiot who actually thinks that EA, and Maxis, are using this game to attack christian values is just... well shit. And this individual is not even posting anything worth while. They are, for the most part, posting random comments about spore.
Let us take a look at some of these comments shall we? So let us start off with the very first post on September 08, 2008, one day after the US release. So let me start off by saying where the fuck has this individual been? Spore has been in development for what 3 years now? Come on, seriously... I am just speechless. Anyway the post is entitle Spore is NOT for Everyone. Well this is apparently true it seems closed-minded idiots are not taken into account when giving the game a rating. But what this individual fails to understand is that these ratings are given out based on the game play and story. Forgive the almighty ESRB for not looking for hidden agendas. Anyway, first off we have the individual claiming that the point of the game is to teach children evolution over creationism. Are you fucking serious individual? It is just using a... ummm well I guess fictional idea, in your world, to make a video game. What is so wrong with that, it makes for an interesting game. The individuals who came up with the idea were looking to make a break through game, so they borrowed an idea. Next this individual goes on say that the point of the game is to create demon creatures and send them into space. OOOOOO HOLY SHIT!!!! You mean to tell me that humans are the only form of life in existence? Well that is certainly boring as hell. Come on let people have some creativity. Trust me if you really wanted to you could make a human in that game. And finally the entry is closed with something about concerned parents. Seriously... I am just left speechless. What kind of horrible parent cannot make sure their kid knows right from wrong? If a child starts to believe in evolution because of this game... well that child is misinformed. It is just as bad as picking up a book reading and taking it as the absolute truth.
The next entry that catches my attention is the one entitled The Evil Man Behind it all Will Wright. To be honest I am surprised this individual loves Sim City after all REAL Christians are not a fan of the idea of man being allowed to be god. Plus Sim City is a far more violent game where you can massacre people. Yet this game is praised, and why? Because a randomized event that is designed to make the game more interesting kicks in. But the end all be all is Will Wrights choice of religion. That is it, that is this individual's coup de grace. You could not bring up the fact that in Sim City you build a city with millions of people and then kill them all? What about in The Sims where you can kill individuals in what might be considered painful ways? Or the fact that in The Sims you can watch people bath or go to the bathroom. I mean you can force the game to remove the little sensor bar, is that not more immoral than just being in a different sect of your religion?
Now onto one of this individual's smaller entries, EA Stock is Down The very notion that this individual think that his or her crappy little 3 day old blog helped bring down the stock just shows how stupid this person is. Spore has sold out everywhere. When a product does that it does not bring the stock down.
Next is this individuals post I Stand Partially Corrected. Which is as close as this idiot is going to get to being open-minded. But then the mind is sealed shut even tighter. This individual says god did not attempt to make us more than once. First off how the hell do you know that? Oh right right right sorry, mindless follower, I forget there are people are who so pathetic that they do not question what sounds good. The game is still evil however because it teaches evolution. And that is wrong in the eyes of god because he made us in one attempt. Yup and he threw us on this planet and said "I wonder what will happen?&qout; So basically this individual is could not figure out any way to bash a decision like this so they are just going to reiterate their point Evolution = BAD!!!
I get the best laugh out of the post entitled Proof EA is Converting Children to Believe in Evolution. I mean wow you find a YouTube video showing someone under the age of 18 talking about evolution and it is spores doing. Sadly this child was using the game to prove evolution existed. Which means that this individual, in the video, must have had believed it in some way shape or form before the game came out. The report in the video is not a report that someone can just pull out of their ass. What that girl did takes a lot of time and research to do. This proves nothing, obviously this female is in an educational institution that teaches all beliefs on how life came to be. God forbid someone form their own opinions about a topic. While I give you an A for effort my friend, bring me proof that this female picked up Spore and said "EVOLUTION IS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUTH"
I shall close with this post Mr. Wright Strikes Again. Obviously this individual has not heard of metaphors before. While I will say that Mr. Wright could have worded his presentation better but what more powerful of an example? But this individual fails to see the Plural of USERS!!! Meaning more than one, God is just one, hence by making us a team and him one Mr. Wright is already saying god is better. And if this individual cannot see that Mr. Wight is just showing the massive acceptance of the game then they will not see anything. Seriously another attack... I just do not know what to say other than this individual looks into things WAY too much. If anything this is a concession by Mr. Wright saying that users are not god.
Well that is all for now. I will continue to follow this blog and heckle the person under two separate aliases. One will be a rabid close-minded supporter of the site and one will be myself. Feel free to stop by and laugh at the screaming idiot as well. While it is sad to see such an idiot out there. In most other countries in the world this person would be hailed as a hero. My what a sad world we live in.