People Found This Site
So the other day I was looking over my analytics and found that people have actually been hitting my site, recently. Well I guess that is not too much of a surprise, since I have told plenty of people about the site. Well the hit from New York was a tad bit odd. Cannot remember who I told about a site out there. Anyway, what I was most confused about was the fact that I actually had a couple of search engine hits. Yes hits as in more than one. I guess I should take this as a sign that I need to get my shit together. After all if I actually want people to come to this site I need to make sure there is relevant data on it. Sadly I have been lazy and not really watched and anime. However, I have played a few anime based games.
So what a better place to talk about them than here. Good old anime based games. So lets start of with more obscure Cross Edge. This game is a newly released sprite game for the PS3. It one of the NIS cross universe games. Ummm I cannot exactly remember who is in the game but there are at least 5 major games in it. Anyway, it is a pretty cool game. The story is pretty typical cross universe. Random original characters are swept away to some random world through an accident or something. But what most intrigues me is the combat system. It is a cross between regular turn based combat and real time turn based combat. Well kind of I guess it could be all turn based if you were lame. The real time element is only applicable if you want to attempt combos and big damage things like that. Otherwise it is pretty simple. You beat the crap out of the enemy until you run out of AP. And unlike Chaos Wars you actually get to run around the field and do random battles. I only played the game for around an three hours as I was not really in the mood to do an RPG grind today. Speaking of grinding lets talk about Naruto: Ulitmate Ninja Storm
Naruto: Ulitmate Ninja Storm is a fighting game, like all the other ultimate ninja games. Only to make it more interested them added in a scale replica of the Konoha. The purpose it serves is to be a little collection area. You run around collecting scrolls and money and treasure... and other stuff. Then when you are bored trying to find every breakable object in the city, or you run out, you can go on various missions. There are two kinds of missions, there are story missions and extra missions. If you have never seen Naruto but want to get the general gist of the series this is the game for you. As these missions cover almost all the major story arcs. Granted you are forced into doing extra missions to gain the needed experience to unlock story missions. This in turn unlocks other stuff that you can collect and trade for more stuff. However, you do not get the game for the fighting or missions. You get it for one reason, and that is to see the amazing graphics. I mean these are freaking amazing. You actually feel like you are watching the anime most of the time. Even during regular game play. I mean the story could have used more cinematics, but I am willing to let that go. As you can pad your game with lots of free downloadable content. Overall the game is probably not worth the $60 that I paid for it.
Anyway that sums up my almost anime experience. Once I have my apartment completely set up, or closer to 80% or 90% I will give more anime a try. I mean right now the only series that really has my attention is K-On!. Not that all the new anime is not great, it is just well not a mind grabbing. I don't know, but I will get through it, I just need to be less distracted by video games. Damn this will be a lot harder than I thought.