The Journey of Anime Vegas
So then the time is finally here the time of Anime Vegas. So I feel that I need to make some moderate attempt at documenting my first out of town con. So I shall do so by slowly making a VERY long entry into this website. And just because I am lazy, and do not want to make up new CSS, I am going to separate the days with horizontal rules. And just for those of you who are to fucking lazy to click on the numerous links I have put on this page my trip starts on August 29, 2008 and will end on September 1, 2008. Look at the con dates to figure out when the con actually takes place.
Holy shit a horizontal rule that must mean that this is the first day... well I guess that would be kind of confusing seeing as how... oh never mind I pay no heed to stupid people. Anyway this day started off rather nicely. I woke up rather rested, odd since I do not think I feel asleep till two in the morning, I woke up at 8:30 am. And so the day began. First things first Off to the bank to withdrawal the trip money, and secondly to order checks. Anyway that trip went rather well. Then on my way to stop two, wal-mart, I get a call from my uhh co-worker. Crapping her pants over the unreasonable deadlines set by the client. So that was a quick conversation that ended in me telling her to let me check it out when I got home. And then it was off to get Money Orders, because I lacked checks, money orders totaling around $1,158, yes I am rich. And then subsequently to get hair gel and a comb. Then it was off to home to work. So after working for a bit I once again have found that our clients are full of shit. The challenge was putting that delicately to my co-worker. So after all of that, the journey to Vegas begins.
So the journey starts out ok, we managed to hit every train and bus without trouble, or delay. Then we get to the airport around ummm what was it 13:00? Only to find out that our flight was pushed back to 18:00 something. So now there is 5 hours to kill. Well the first two hours were easy to kill. First off I forgot to leave my leathermen at home. So I had to mail it back to myself, that meant going through secuity twice. The last couple of hours were harder to kill, on the account of the lack of chairs with backs. While I was hogging a free power station for 3 hours, I managed to get some work done. Yes work, in a manner of speaking. You see me and my friend decided that we thought that carrying around a paper program would be a challenging thing. So getting the whole program off of the internet. Then I proceeded, to put the entire thing in my iPod Touch. Man is that a complicated thing to have my iPod trying to render. Anyway the flight was pretty smooth sailing. And we landed in Vegas.
So problem one, for some reason there was an enormous amount of pressure put on my ears. So I was rendered... well deaf. Anyway, so we get to baggage claim, and it seems that the airline put our stuff on an earlier flight so we were called down to the baggage claim to pick up the bags. So now it was the Journey to the Hotel. A rather uneventful one, with a creepy cab driver, but we made it to the hotel... as you can see nothing to eventful happened at the airport. So then it was off to food. So a new tradition was started tonight. As me and my friend dined at the hotel steak house. Mmmm large bills is how much it costs. And my stupid bronchitis was getting in the way of me enjoying the whole thing. But I managed to get all of it down, minus the super sweet stuff, without trouble. And then it was back up to the room. I made my final preparations on my costume, a little ironing, and here I am now.
So overall this was a rather uneventful beginning to a trip. Which is nice, I hate travel hassels, plus stress is bad for my already bad health. I am intersted to see what will happen tomorrow. I will rise and shine early in the morning so as to be able to find this years mascot for my anime convention adventures.
And thus another successful day at the con comes to a close. There was plenty of model buying goodness, hot cosplay female pictures... well average to hot, umm anime watchings... uhhh and frauds. Over all it was a very nice day indeed. A little tiring, but then again going non-stop from 08:00 to 23:00 is always exhausting, and my costume is heavy so that just makes things worse.
So here is the swag report. I purchased me a... gundam model... technically only one of them is a gundam. Yes I now own a 1/100th scale Dynames Gundam. I am also the proud owner of two flags, uhh Flags from the series Gundam 00. Lucky for me I think the flag is one of the coolest non-gundam mobile suits ever. And then being the douches we are me and my partner in crime bought all the Gode Geass models. Yes there were four total, two Lancalots and two Garuens. And we own all four of them now. Which is pretty cool because they are rather large scale for their size. And finally I purchased this years Con mascot, dubbed Yumi. It is great it is a plushie of the main Character from Yes Pretty Cure 5 Go Go! So she really clashes with my Margulis costume. So she is this years perfect mascot.
So then how is wearing a costume you might ask? Well it has been pretty cool since mine is so very cool. I have had a lot of raised eye brows because really no one knows who I am. A few people regonized my friend but no one has flat out been able to pick out my character. Anyway with Yumi I have been really able to ruin several other people's images of me. Which has been fun, most do not flinch when taking my picture but I am sure they will realize how I managed to ruin the cool appeal of my costume. As for cosplayers it has been nice there have not been too many horrible novice cosplayers. Not that the quality of the costume can be over ridden by the reaction I get from "Could you please hold this while I take your picture". Yes, the reaction is priceless people pretty much freak out. They want to strike a cool pose but then are handed a plushie, most do not know how to react. So I have a great many good unique images, most people just strike the same pose over and over again.
Damn could not lead into this new paragraph very well. Anyway today was a day filled with lots and lots of panels. I mean LOTS of panels, in fact the number of worth while panels drops off pretty exponentially tomorrow. Anyway what else can I say other than most were good, some lacked a good presentation, while others were awesome, and others were filled with frauds. The good presentation was for some company called... ehhh something Symibote? I say it was good because I was given free swag. Why because I asked a stupid question and managed to get the guy to laugh. Then there was a later panel with the same group only they showed an AWESOME little show called Dr. Tran Which is just freaking hilarious... and wrong. How could I forget about the Pervert Panel? The point of that panel was to illustrate that all Managa-kas are just really horny perverts. Now this was not because I was able to see many boobs, nope in fact I saw no boobs. Because at another con these guys had to censor the boobs. So they took pictures of burgers and hot dogs and placed them in various places. All I can say is now I can associate burgers with boobs, I think that is a win. Then the panel that sucked was the one with the gamer.... uhh double X chromosome....yeah. I say this because in the end these were frauds... not because of conspiracy theory about how the government is using hot females to get reclusive intelligent males off of video games. No not that, but by the very fact that they wanted to go party on the strip. True gamer individuals would have never wanted to leave the con. So these individuals were obviously frauds. But once I get my conspiracy theory worked out I think I need to go generate some traffic and get banned on their site.
Ok so on Sunday I was a bit demoralized because of the fact that an anime I wanted to watch was not shown so you guys are so lucky as to get Sunday and Monday all in one post, lucky for you there is not much to report. Umm so let me see what happened on sunday. SO sunday was a bit of a day of rest for us... accidentally. We woke up an hour before a panel we wanted to go to. And for this I blame the douches at the convention for pushing back the hours of the dealer room. Anyway lucky for us there were not many panels today, that I wanted to attend.
So the first panel that was attended the Bandi Highlights panel. This panel was cool, mainly because, the President of Bandai-Namco USA was the head of the panel. Basically this was bandai telling us about all of the stuff that is being worked on. And to be honest, I am kind of out of the main stream loop these days. I was surprised some titles were coming over.... well mainly I was surprised Gundam 00 was announced. Which I think is awesome and I am hoping I can get a chance to preview when it comes out. That way I can decide if I want to buy it or not. This panel was also awesome in the sense taht I received some free SWAG. Yes I now own, a fairly cool Eureka 7 t-shirt. Anyway after that panel came the Code Geass panel. Now I ma only going to mention this one to say that it was a waste of time. Tons of idiot fan girls... what more needs to be said. So yea that was one of the worst Panels EVER. So there there was a short break, from panels, during which time I caught an anime, and Pizza was ordered, and eaten. Next there was the New Generation Pictures panel. At first I was kind of skeptical about this panel. However, those thoughts soon were removed with the showing of video game trailers. Then I learned that the guy running this panel was actually the guy who directs voice acting for some of my favorite games. So yeah that pwa pretty ool. And finally tehre waere two sessions that were overall average. The first one was called "Why Your Anime Sucks". This session was a lot of fun. Basically you said an anime title and the people running the panel told you all the reasons why they hated that in particular anime. Which was a lot of fun because many fanbois and fangurls were silenced. Then there was the less fun panel, that followed called"Anime BS Session ". This session was a session based on defending the anime that was ripped on in the previous session. So basically it became out why one uhhh female hated Death Note. Yes very very lame.
Next on to some anime I watched. The first round of anime was The Melancholy of Suzmahi Haruhi. I have watched this on fansubs and I must say I enjoyed it. Then I must also say I enjoyed the english version of it. Umm what more can I say, it was really funny in both japanese and english. The next series I stumbled upon was Full Metal Panic Fumoffu. This is sort of a high school romantic comedy take on on the Fullmetal Panic series. Again this was also very very amusing. There was lots of explosions and sarcasm. I am still wondering where that guy hide an RPG on his body but it was cool. Finally there was Hellsing Ultimate 2. So this series was cool, nice and violent with a splash of humor. I was actually impressed by this one. I was really worried with the gun toting red trench coat individual as the main character. But now that I have seen it well I must say that I was rather amused. I think I might have to look into getting that series.
To round out Sunday, we had to go on a little adventure. You see me and my friend bought more than we could carry home. So we went on a quest to find a suitcase to pack the rest of it home. And what better place to do this other than God Will. And the god will we found was a nice one. It was big and had lots of stuff. Too bad I could not find any rare gems that interested me to much. But we found ourselves a nice suit case. There was a nice long adventure getting to the good will.but it was nice to go around and see the stripe and gawk at the sites like most normal tourists do.
Finally to Monday, well nothing really happened on Monday. It was the pack up day. there were no really good panels. So in the true name of geekdom me and my friend watched a bunch of pokemon. Ys pretty much all we did was watch Pokemon. a nice relaxing ay to begin our trip home. And the tirp home was nice and short as well. Granted we did show up at the airport 4 hours early. But it is better to be early than late. But no problems, none at all which was nice... so far I am kind of writing this from the plane.
So overall I was pretty happy with this con. I went to a lot of fun panels saw some new anime and best of all I got SWAG. I know I can register this tryng as a good one. While I was pretty upset with eh god complexes that most of the staff members had I was willing to let it pass in the sense that Umm.. well it was easy to ignore most of the time. I am looking forward tot he next time that I get a chance to do this.