Not Bad but Not Good
So I am doing the marathon through some shows here in the states that have been going on over the past couple of years, and they are reaching that middle ground where it is probably time to bail. The shows have become not good but also not bad. Meaning the show can hold my attention to a degree, but does not provide me with any enjoyment that would be fun for me. I hate it when this happens. Especially when the shows are very well put together and were very interesting. I guess that is the primary problem with shows that take off with a considerable success rate
It is funny how that success goes to the head of the writers. It is like the writers feel that since their first well thought out script was terrific, their writing, in general, must be fantastic. So they stop putting forth the effort that it takes to write a good script and start writing whatever they want. No matter how average it might be. Then again, that could be the main problem with a show that goes one for over five years.
While I do not watch a lot of American shows, I do notice that a lot of long-running shows lack the ability to evolve and change into something worth watching. True the story that is written initially is very interesting and a lot of fun to watch. I always love coming into a show on the second or third season, so I get to binge watch the first two. You know only to be very upset when I am back to a week to week showings. However, the problem is that it seems that a lot of shows have nowhere to go from their origins. The two series I am watching now have fallen into a formula. Looking back at all the previous seasons, they are all the same. They follow the same story progression. They have the same empty filler episodes. Then they have their epic climax with a cliffhanger or open question. I guess it might not be the fault of the show.
As an amine fan, I am all for repetition that is one of the things that anime is good at. However, anime tends to be better at evolving characters and story as it goes one. Here in America, we do not seem to have that talent. So when I get to the point where I see the pattern, my brain gets disappointed because I have to be annoyed by the laziness of the series though I am not immune to this with anime. Ranma one half is a perfect example of an anime that I just kind of slogged through because it was so popular. Despite having an easy to identify a pattern that did not lead to an interesting evolution of the characters. It is sad because now that I am at this point, it is hard for me to want to give the next season a watch.
Well for money anyway, I am just going to have to lie back and see what happens. The sad thing is that there are plenty of ways in which the shows can grow and evolve, but I guess they cannot do that because they risk alienating all the soft fans that they have. Doing all that new stuff where the comic book changes and you get to see more about the characters and each of them grows, and different things happen. That is scary to the regular masses, and thus we cannot condone it. Then again, a lot of comics get extremely dark as they go on. That is probably another reason that the writers do not go that far. Still, it would be fun to see something like that happen.
Well, I guess that it is a sad day, but I have to let these series go. I think one of them was going to end anyway, nothing wrong with that. Not exactly a high note to end on but not too dull and terrible. Best to go out before you become a dumpster fire. Oh well, at least that money will be saved by me, and I will have more time to do other stuff that involves not doing anything and being lazy. I guess that is for the best. Now to wait for the next random show that I might be able to watch for a long time.