Batman Ninja the Greatest Batman Movie
So at Sakura-con this year I got to be introduced to a movie that I had heard about a little while ago, and that is the Batman Ninja movie. This movie is the best Batman movie that has ever produced. It is simply amazing, and it is not what you expect. From the story-telling to the varying artwork to the sheer epicness of the movie. There is so much to love about this movie that allows it to dethrone the Dark Knight as the greatest Batman movie.
So let us start with something simple, the art. The artwork in this movie is fantastic. They did a tremendous job of adapting the Bat Family into the ninjas. Some of the characters, such as Cat woman did not need much adaptation as she was already practically a ninja, at the start. I really enjoyed the way things were put together. It is almost like the art was drawn knowing that it would resonate with anime fans. Plus you get all the fun aspects of Japanese culture kind of sprinkled in there to make the movie an even more fantastic experience for all of us. It is hard to believe that I do not own this movie, as of this moment.
Next is the deception of the previews. While it is true that there were plenty of scenes in the previews showing me all the fighting and artwork. The previews portray this movie as a somber movie. Well it is not, there is no way that this movie can be anything other than one huge joke. Whether it be the times' Batman tries to use his grappling hook, and the tallest buildings are only two stories tall, and he cannot use them. The fact that Dameon can talk to a monkey. Or the fact the climax fight scene which goes out of its way to be ridiculous. This movie is one great trip which you will rarely not be laughing or having a great time at the epic obnoxiousness of the film.
While the obnoxiousness of the movie is one of the key selling points, it also works against the film. As it seems that the movie tries to one-up every thing that happens in the previous scenes. Even some of the plot twists were a bit out there and... not even a very comic book like, but I guess there is not much I can do about that. It is bound to happen to keep the movie exciting until the end. That is what happens when a movie is trying to have a good time.
Which brings me to the lesser flaw of there is no story. I am no stranger to that kind of stuff, but it would have been that much better if we had a good cohesive story which all the characters can be involved in. Not just having a bunch of characters because you need them or having them be the standard formula for the character, like Cat Woman. However, luckily after the first 15 or so minutes of this movie you start to realize that maybe you are not watching your traditional gritty Batman movie. You are channeling the 1960s Batman except instead of trying to be serious and being ridiculous you know that you are going to be ridiculous and you try to at least make it look good.
So yeah overall this movie is a movie for the ages. If you do not own this movie, you should it is a non-stop riot and should be watched multiple times. This is the film is the template for how you take a dark superhero and make that hero into a great joke. However, if all of my reasoning as to why this movie is worth a watch is not enough for you. I have two words for you Sengoku Batmobile. That is all I hope that will get you to at least rent the damn thing.