The Snowstorms Now Vs Then
So it is kind of strange being where I am with ll this weather crap. I mean when I really think about the then side of things there were really two sides to the then, the then that was in the city and the then that was the previous geographic location. Both then have some interesting things that give them a stark contrast from what I am dealing with now and I am just going to ramble on about that for a little while. The now is just so much different then I was expecting. Then again I was not really expecting to ever have to deal with this.
So the now is a bit strange, I am kind of surprised that the main method for keeping the roads clear is just to let the cars pack it down. I have seen a few snow blows coming through and doing stuff but for the most part I am driving on snow packed roads. Which is also causing a bit of an issue since the roads are nice and packed but entrances to places like... oh you know work are not well packed. Some I run into the barricade problem where I might have to risk getting stuck because of my care being low to the ground. I guess at least some businesses are keeping up the good fight and making sure that I can get in and buy stuff.
Then there was the first then when I lived in a city. I guess it was hard to tell if it was the city or the businesses in the city, but it seemed like they city rarely had actual issues. Sometimes the side walks might be a little messy but that does not mean much to me as I am a shut-in. Especially in this area, me and the rest of the native population do not take care of our tires. So it is scary watching a bunch of cars slide around the narrow city streets. So it is always a good idea to stay inside. I am not sure how I did not manage to get hit by a car while I was doing stuff. Oh well, at least things are a bit less terrifying.
Then there was the first then, you know when I lived in an area where we actually had a decent response to weather. The only time there was any kind of challenge was when it was literally going to be a blizzard outside. Even then we kept up with it pretty good. I guess the thing I do not miss is the fact that there are not all kinds of chemicals and stuff on the road to prevent ice. Yes that stuff is nice for safety reasons and that is great and all, but that stuff plus dirt plus slush does not come off your windshields all that well. That was generally annoying. Still, it was nice to not have to worry about too much as it was more or less the flag to change my windshield wipers.
Well regardless at least in my now I do not have to worry too much about my car as I have covered parking. That is a good thing and I do not really like worrying about that. Though there are a couple of big trees near my building and I am on the top floor so... yeah... that is not something that is fun to think about but for now everything seems to just be based on branches and stuff. h well, I guess I have a few more days of this and then I will go back to the weather that I love the most here. Then I will need to find a better storage place for my jacket.