Another Reappearance
Ugh well I hate to keep vanishing like that, he says again ironically, but whatever. I am currently fighting off some health issues that have been sapping my overall will to live the past... well six or so months. During the past couple of years I have had a significant weight gain which has lead me to developing sleep apnea, which I am currently undergoing therapy for right now. The good news is that I can feel the effects of the therapy little by little. The bad news is the therapy currently feels like torture.
Like seriously I need to figure something out for this sleep stuff because it literally feels like I am suffocating most nights. Even if the therapy is yielding positive results it still sucks. It is hard to breath and even worse it can become hard to fall asleep which really defeats the purpose. However, I just have to power through it... though my body really hates it as I am waking up after falling asleep and finding that while I sleeping I have either completely removed the mask or the hose.
I never understood how sleep could be so good for you. I mean yeah I went through phases back in the day where I would function on about 4 to 5 hours of sleep every single day. How is it that I cannot function on 8 hours of sleep. Well it turns out that not getting a good long REM cycle is killing me. I mean really that it is it. I may have gotten only 4 hours of sleep at one point, but I was hitting REM and staying there. With sleep apnea you generally hit rem start to suffocate and wake up so no really restful sleep. Ugh it is terrible, I mean geez I slept for so little time that I was literally starving myself of sleep. However, that changes now and I am getting more REM sleep, not a full 8 hours but you know... well full 6 hours. My sleep doctor said that 6 good hours of sleep is enough to keep you healthy.
So yeah if you think that this kills my will to live then you are 100% correct. I mean geez it is horrible trying to just do my job at work which funds this site. Then I come home and I am left with two choices either stay up and try and enjoy what little time I have before I go to bed or just straight up go to bed. It is sad too because I have tried getting 12 hours of sleep on a work day and it has had no effect. Then I have to go into an office and be pleasant and social which kill my will to live as well. Then I come home and I have to be creative. Needless to say I am spiraling the drain on this one all the time and it is getting really annoying. So in order to make sure that I am going to survive a bit I am being lazy on important stuff. Which I am hopefully going to fix soon. I just need to actually pull out all those descriptions and stuff that I have written and then maybe just maybe I can get this rolling again. I need to do my best to not steal anything. Which can be a challenge when you are as lazy as me.
So yeah anyway I am going to be better at this stuff and make sure that I am going to get this stuff done sooner rather than later or something and I will get things going again... maybe what with the Switch and new Zelda coming out that might be a bit of a challenge at times, but you know that is all that I can do is try right? Well at minimum I just have to keep trekking right? There is not much else I can do other than keep on trying to finish this stuff off. Hopefully things will work out the correct way and I might actually produce content on this site and lose weight and stuff like that but who knows. Going into an office is like the bane of my existence but I did all my stuff on it once. Well I just have to try try again I guess not much left to say there. Anyway, it is not like people are in touch with me to tell me how bad I am sucking.