The More The Laziness
I can give myself a good lol because I am so nice and lazy. I guess that is a sign of happiness or depression depending on h9ow you look at things. Anyway, yes I am trying to break the cycle and finally get back to doing things. Then I remember that I have to redesign the website and my motivation boner goes away. However, it is a new year or something like that. I also managed to survive the last season of anime which was particularly weird or something. However, right now I am still trying to figure out this whole funimation crunchyroll partnership. I just do not get it.
So please stick with me while I try and think about this. So it seems that Funimation has tried to outsource all of its subbing to Crunchyroll and take on the role of the simulDub. Not that I am a huge fan of dubs but it is nice to see that getting around. I mean there is also the fact that they have not released their new website, Funimation that is. Hmm well all I know is that last season I stuck around and tried to find unique shows on Funimation and failed miserably. Everything that could be found on funimation could be found on crunchyroll and the whole Simuldub thing was not really working. I hope they have better luck this season around. It could bring in a whole new era for anime and that would be nice.
Speaking of last season I survived. I managed to survive the magic farts of Keioji and the oddly graphic violence of Izuna or whatever. Though I did not suffer Strike witches 2.0 That was not something to really watch. Last season was weird to be honest there was not much that I could really get into. Then when I did get into it I was left hanging off the edge. Like I would watch All Out and there would be nothing of an in-between intensity to calm me down a bit to work my way into a dramatic slice of life anime or anything like that. So I just had to be grumpy and not care. It was very painful to be honest. How did I coup with this in the past? Maybe I need to relax more. At least this season will be an easy season to pick back up on.
So just looking over the titles a lot of titles continue on from last season, magic farts died which was a good thing. Like I just watch the Nyanko Days anime. That anime is awesome all about a person and her kitties. Reminds me of my home like and how awesome my kitties are. Then there are revenge animes and fantasy ones and hopefully some comedies that will be continuing. So this season looks a lot more promising than last season which felt kind of floppy right from the beginning which can always make me just want to addict myself to other stuff as well.
So yeah not much else going on. I know that I should really be going to bed soon but why bother? I mean the sleep problems are not going to go away anytime soon. Might as well stay up and try my best with anime and see what is going on. Plus I need to keep working on my Japanese and stuff. Ugh so much stuff I used to do then I got lazy and stuff or was i ever not lazy i just changed my focus for a while. After all it is much easier to skip over stuff when you do not have to worry about it suddenly vanishing and stuff. Oh well, I guess I will just have to see over the next couple of months. Hopefully things will work out of me and i will be able to get myself in a good groove before the switch comes out. I really hope that I can do something about my crappie habits before that system comes out. It is likely going to be the last of the home gaming consoles before we all just start buying PCs and attaching new controllers to them. At least some companies are finally being honest about things and are trying to make it work for the next generation. Oh well, I guess it is almost time to end this rambling and get on with the night, let me see how long it will be before my next blog?