Gaming Of Tomorrow
So I have made my way through anime over the past season slowly in marathon form. I am just to lazy to make any pages for these anime because.. well I cannot stop myself and make the page full of substance beyond just a description and a quarter-assed good and bad review. So I am kind of blazing through these. Anyway, I should have more done and be able to make a more comfortable best of the season post later. So for now I am going to talk about video games and just sort of waste your time here.
So let me hit the most recent bit of low hanging fruit there is, the Occulus rift. For those of you who do not know what that is. It is every geeks dream during the 90s Virtual Reality. Otherwise known as a headset you strap to your head and you use your head as a the camera instead of awkward controls. Well you still use awkward controls, this just damages your eyes faster. Anyway, at one point they sold out to facebook and vanished for a bit. Now they are back announcing the preorder season. You know just south of way to expensive for something that just suddenly reappeared. I mean yeah my computer cannot play the thing but still I am just going to hang back until sony comes out with something and the price for both drop.
Then there is Nintendo slowly counting down the days to the announcement conference or whatever of the new NX system. The new system is rumored to be a hybrid portable and console system. Which.. well could actually work.... if done right. You know all the games get a portable release that is not the main release, but the portable release has some effect on the main release. Nintendo has done this before with zelda games where you play on the GBA and then you get bonuses in Wind Waker or whatever. So it can be done and it can be done good. The problem is how do you force developers to adopt this new strategy? I mean really, I have played Xenoblade Chronicles X and it is like on of two games which takes advantage of the Tablet for the Wii U. So the challenge will probably fall to Nintendo to really pull something spectacular out of their pocket for launch. After all, we all know game companies hate actually having to try.
Now we can return to the realm of the existing games. You know it is kind of sad how every year it feels like the console generation is slowly coming to an end. These days consoles are little more than custom PCs and PCs are little more than replacements for several industries that need to hurry up and die so we can not longer be annoyed by the FCC. Maybe I am out of the loop though. I am just having a hard time finding new games that actually seem interesting and new. Really I just rely on my PS+ Free games to provide me with games. Most of the time those games are good enough that I can enjoy them for free. They are also bad enough that if they suck I can ignore them. Especially now that a lot of these games are games I bought when they were first released.
So there you have it some babbling about video games while I stall on getting back to anime. It is funny how much time it takes to catch up to where I was. Plus these services with their annoying personal idea on how to group anime together. It is hard to see what is actually in the last season. You know because I am too lazy to read dates or something like that. Oh well, only another 15 or so series to go and I should be able to make something up. Eh let me be realistic. I say 15 because that is the actual number there might actually be. However, the truth is I will likely get through one or two more and then be done and write off the rest. However, you will never know exactly what anime I did or did not watch. Because there will be no history this time around. Yes... this time around I can hide my shame in a cloak of laziness. Yes... well at least so far I am doing good on the whole webiste thing.