I Am Being An Ass
You know tonight is one of those nights that I am going to be a total prick. You see there is this fun event called NDK NYE.. well I am not sure if it is fun, I just know that it is there. Social events have never been my thing. Especially ones that run around with the title party. Anyway, here I am at the event. I figure one of these years I should get out and get drunk in a public place for New Years Eve. You know instead of my usual routine of getting drunk at home. Plus, if I have to drink with others on this day.. why not be with a bunch of strangers? I am pretty sure I would not have come to this if I had my own place anyway... enough of this. Onto something to do with the title.
I say that I am a prick because guess what I picked up a room at the hotel where this event is being held. It is a marvelous room. I have to say this is pretty awesome. So why am I so pleased with myself? Because this room is a two queen room, and I am the only one occupying it. Yup, I am being an asshole and stealing a bed from some other poor anime fan. Just because I feel like being a dick. Well not just because, I actually have a reason.
Really this is payback for all those times at NDK when I had a room, but more than two people. First off, I was always stuck with a king bed no matter the number of people, two or five or whatever. So that in of itself pissed me off. I mean it was bad enough sharing a bed with a guy on a vacation. It was worse that we only had 1 bed for more than two of us. Second off, there are a bunch of poor anime tools out there who hoard up all the extra beds. You know the group of people who only sign up 4 people and bring 12. I mean I signed up all the occupants of my room, and I still got a king. I also was unable to obtain any kind of floor mattress.
So I am stealing a bed from all those other NDK people. Just because I can, then I will mock those who might talk to me. However, since no one will talk to me while I get drunk and play my 3DS and/or sit and do nothing. I need to blog about it so that it seems like this is valid to me. The shameful admission of what I am doing is so sweet sometimes.