Anime Vegas 2012
Ha ha, you see guys I do live. I am just being really lazy. I was forced, yes forced, to take this week off from work. So why do any work at all? I guess that is what I was thinking or something. Umm... lets see... anyway... so a little while ago I attended a little known con called Anime Vegas. I have to say this was a pretty difference experience for me. I mean yeah it was really different than what I remembered and/or expected from an anime convention in vegas. That does not mean it was bad. However, overall I am going to have to give the con a rating of... well average. I mean compared to the Cons here, NDK and Wasabi, it was kind of lame at points.
Lets start off with the family friendly thing. Yes, all anime conventions need to be family friendly. However, once the lights go off at NDK or Wasabi, especially around 22:00, you can cut loose and pretend that you are a mature human being. I mean you could not even buy booze here. I am pretty sure that booze was outlawed. The even odder thing was the fact that this convention only went until Midnight. Yes 00:00, well I guess that is when the last panel started. Again, at Wasabi and NDK you can stay there 24 hours, if you are crazy. I was home and in bed by 01:00 every night. That was a bit odd considering I was in Vegas, a place known for debauchery and sin. I guess they have had problems of their own... but still I felt like I was attending summer camp.
Next there were the panels. Now keep in mind this could have just been my experience. However, most of the panels were run by the guests. Which I do not mind. However... when it is almost all of them I have to start wondering if people are capable of planning panels at all. Yes there were a few panels that were fan run. However, they were very few. At least from what I experienced. It is like if you are not a professional in the industry you cannot do anything. Regardless they had some interesting panels. Not nearly as many fanboy/fangirl panels as NDK or Wasabi.
Really this con shined in one place, the dealer room. This is something that I was really happy to see. Unlike NDK or Wasabi, there was more than just a bunch of DVD and manga shops all over the dealers room. I mean I could actually go out and buy collectibles and other things that show off fandom. That is a good thing NDK and Wasabi. However, I guess there is more of a trade for it out in Vegas. I mean I was able to buy a bed sheet. I could not find a bed sheet at NDK or Wasabi. Granted it was kind of annoying having all the shops be the exact same thing over and over again. However, at least I could get new stuff that I would have trouble obtaining at other conventions.
The only other thing that stands out in my mind is the fact that in the game room I was actually able to learn how to play a game. Yes a tabletop card game. Most of the time at NDK and Wasabi you just have a bunch of people battling it out or playing middle-aged couples games. So that was nice, hell I even managed to win a tournament... well not win, but I did get second place which was a good thing. I mean I got a free game after all.
So overall, this con was...well average. Maybe it was more awesome back before con-people lost their minds. I do not know, that was something odd. I will say that it is still a fun con to attend, if you are a local. AS much fun as it is to travel to vegas. It is kind of upsetting that the con was not... well more Vegas than it could have been. However, like I said it is a good PG-13 con. That is one problem that NDK and Wasabi can have a times. You can just sort of... well go 18+ without wanting too. With room parties and friends with older friends.. there is a lot of trouble a minor can get into. That does not make them bad cons... just cons to be wary of if you are under 18.