The Annoyance of Halloween
Well since the day is almost over I guess I will grace my website with the usual yearly story of why I do not give to shits about Halloween. Yes it is that time of the year. The time of year that really means nothing to me. I really hate it to be honest. There is no reason for me to give a crap about it. I mean there are many reasons... ok.. not many but I have a few very compelling reasons so that is good enough for me. So now it is time for me to speak blasphemy and run off and start talking about how stupid this holiday is.
So lets start off with the fact that it is not a holiday at all really. I qualify a holiday as a day you get time off for. Only true holidays you are given time off for. The problem is that so many people seem to not give two craps about holidays that they do not even register. Which is why I have never understood why you people go out and party on this particular day.
Lets start off with fact number one. You are at work all day. Some work places might wind down a bit and have a party, but most places probably do not do that. So then to top off the day you decide it is a good idea to go out and get plastered. Now hey I am all for doing something like that when I have a day to recover. Problem is that there is no recovery time on this day. So you go off work a day, wreck yourself partying and then go to work the next day. I have never understood why people do something so trivial.
Then I always forget that this is a holiday for the normal people. You know the ones. who are too cool or mature or something for anime. So they have to live a trivial boring life. Escaping on company mandated days to go out and enjoy life. Yes I know who you are, and I am not one to even car really. Well regardless of what is to come. I always forget the key element of the Halloween party, costumes.
Now you see like any functioning otaku. I go to anime conventions and at anime conventions it is completely acceptable to dress up in a, gasp, costume. Not only do I get to dress up in a costume. I get to wear a costume for about two days at each convention. Now there was a time when this was just one convention a year. However, now it is up to three conventions sometimes, that is something great you know. That is something fun as well. I enjoy going to the conventions because I get to dress up.
Which really gives me one up on all the normal people out there. I mean most of them barely ever dress up on this day. I get to dress up on all these other days. So really dressing up means nothing to me. Of course that is the sin I commit in society. All of them think I do not understand. When in actuality I understand WAY better than any of them. SO much better that I dress up more often for longer periods of time.
Oh well, I guess that is just life. I generally avoid Halloween festivities because that is just another thing I do not want to deal with. I mean it is really annoying to have to deal with them. So annoying getting the teasing and crap like that. Then explaining this whole thing to them over and over and over again. It is too bad that they are stuck in their sad lives. Otherwise I would have nothing to talk about... well maybe that is not a sad thing. Anyway until next eyars annoyance