The Way of The Description
So I was reading an article on Sankaku Complex a little whole ago and I just wondered where do the Japanese come up with these terms. I mean really, it makes no sense to me. Given the fact that words like Herbivore and Carnivore are fairly complex words that we all know. Then again, the Japanese has always been good at the whole metaphor thing. Seeing as how their language is mostly metaphors. Anyway, some of these are fairly interesting ideas so I am bored and need content so lets talk about these terms.
I have to wonder which gender received the title of "Carnivore" first. Was it the males, I doubt it was males because in all reality men have gone out seeking sex all the time. So I would assume that it was females. I guess that given how females are... well if I look at anime... with their borderline hatred of sex. I guess it would only make sense that since killing is bad.... and carnivores kill.... hmm I am still trying to figure this out. You know those annoying things. I mean if killing is bad... and girls wanting sex is bad... and... hmm well it still does not make sense to me. Lets move on for the time being to the other confusing term.
Well I guess the term "Herbivore" makes a great deal more sense. After all, everyone makes fun of the herbivores in nature. You know they are god damn hippies. As where all the carnivores are dicks. So it would make sense that the term herbivore is associated with me who have no spine. I mean after all I am about as much of a herbivore as there is out there. My lack of assertion and all that stuff. Since all herbivores fear being killed... well I guess all males who are scared of females makes sense. Then again... how does this term apply to females? I guess.. hmmm well you know... uhhh yeah it does not really work for me either. I guess it is just because they are the ones who are approached. There is no real fear there. Well there are these days. You know those people who run around convincing females that every male is out to rape them. Anyway lets more onto the new term that was created.
This is the one that gets me the most, "Fasting Herbivore". First off, we are using the term "Carnivore". That implies something surviving only on meat. I guess the term "Fasting Herbivore" describes males who have no real desire to be with females. I mean I can understand the idea of fasting. That makes sense to me. You know willingly withholding food... or something a long those lines. The question is how can you fast meat if you do not eat it? Maybe I am just being a jackass because I have nothing better to do... you know you make be right. However, this is at least amusing to me.
Well as we can see I am not anywhere closer to understanding these terms. However, I can sit around and think about things. Like how females are only really capable of being Carnivores. How males can only be Herbivores. How not wanting anything to do with meat is considering fasting... but... if you do not eat meat how can you fast from it? There are all sorts of fun things that one can think of. I think I have taken up enough time on here... with my mindless rambling. You can tell I am just faking it right?