PETA is At It Again
Sigh, you know how you can tell your cause is a lost one? It is when you have to steal/borrow the images and identities of REALLY famous franchisees and characters to try and spread your message. This time around PETA decides to leech off of Pokemon Black/White 2. To spread their message of animal cruelty. I am all for stopping such things. However, I am not a psychopath Eco-terrorist about it. I honestly wonder what they were thinking this time around. I think Eco-terrorism was the main objective of this one.
After all, in this game you play Pikachu who has killed his master and escaped. Now you run around fighting other humans to save pokemon and bring them to their freedom... or something. I mean if that is not telling young kids it is ok to go out and kill other people what is? I mean, you are Pikachu and you only fight humans. I am pretty sure that one day we can sue PETA for being retarded. When some kid thinks another kid is abusing an animal and attacks that kid. Oh what a glorious day that will be.
Why the hell did they even bother with this game anyway, it is not that fun. It would be one thing if it was a nice simulation of pokemon, kind of like what Killing Mama was. However, this is just a straight out visual novel. So it might fly in Japan with the cute Nurse Joy covered in blood. However, here in the states it takes a pretty specific kind of person to actually enjoy these novels. You cannot take a game that allows kids to create their very own custom dream team of characters and force them to not be able to do that. Basically Pikachu just randomly encounters people, that is it. I wonder if this is a slam on video games as well. At least with Killing Mama the game was true to the origin.
Uhh god this is why I hate PETA. Not only are they all crazy. They also do not realize that the fact that they are crazy is what keeps people away from them. There is a reason why PETA makes these games. It is because most rational adults know how fucking crazy PETA is. So now they have to try and go for a younger crowd. A crowd that may or may not know if PETA is right. The more easily brainwashed crowd, the children. Even worse they cannot properly steal other peoples ideas?
Lets take a look at all the Mario Clones out there. Some are good some are bad. However, all of them only really steal the format and gameplay. At least in all of those games They come up with new moves, powers, items, scoring methods, things to collect. At least in those knock off they try to be somewhat original. Not PETA, PETA is so far out of ideas that they just have to steal all their ideas. That shows how noble, just and well-known their cause is. I mean since it is so well-known, they can afford to pay off Nintendo right?
Anyway, I digress, there is no reason to actually care. The only reason I even think about this obnoxious group from time to time is when they pull crap like this. At least this game is one of the few that has some kind of a valid point. I will give them this much. Unlike the rest of their games this one has a valid point about Pokemon. Which is why I am surprise Nintendo has not put out a Cease and Desist or pay us a shit load of money to PETA. Oh well, I guess we shall see in the coming months right?