The Season Died
Hmm you know this season feels like an odd one to me. I mean normally I have at least a few seasons going over into 26 episodes. However, that has not been the case recently, at least on Crunchyroll. Funimation has not really been all that good about this stuff either. Granted funimation does not seem to be a fan of long series that do not already have a dedicated fanbase. Then again, I really wonder what makes a series worth more than 13 epsidoes for one season and then another 13 later?
That seems to be the trend these days. Really when I think about it there have only been two kinds of shows. Those pushing 50+ and those that are barely worth 13 episodes. Really when I see CrunchyRoll I see SKET Dance, Naruto, and HunterXHunter. I mean that is not many shows that keep going on and on as the weeks progress right? Then we have shows like Yura Yuri and Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere which get continuations after a year long break. It just seems odd to me that so many shows with potential for 26 episodes get brushed over.
That is not to say that I am not happy about this trend too. After all there are plenty of shows which suck a great deal of ass. I mean they suck so much ass that they are asses themselves screwing other asses and having little ass children. Thank god these forsaken shows have ended. Seriously, I need to stop watching these crappy ones. No matter how hard I try it is just too damn hard. I mean I need content right? Well that is all I can say is that this time around there are plenty of shows which are getting ended and tossed into the do not make DVD bin... I hope.
Well anyway I have a self-inflicted 4-Day Weekend coming up soon. SO expect some reviews there, or don't. No one seems to mind when it takes me months or years to make these reviews. It just sucks coming up with the good and the bad sometimes. Why did I choose this format again? I do not know it seemed like a good idea at the time.