It is Lag
So then you might all notice that there are a but load of updates coming your way. Ah yeas that butt-load of updates comes as a result of me not being lazy. I promise you that I was... well.. kind of.... well.. Maybe I was being lazy, but that is besides the point. Lets start out with somethings. First off this has been a super stressful time for me. There was the issue of travel for me
I was finally told that I had to travel to some place for work. Yes travel, that is my excuse. It is not like I wanted too. No I wanted to stay home and play Skyrim and work on my cosplay. I really did, well travel takes it out of your. Especially when you have to go into an office. I was finding it difficult to travel and watch anime AND keep the site up to date. Yes I wrote a ton of stuff. That was because I was not working, not because I did not want too. Besides that is not the problem. The problem is that companies monitor where I go when I am online at work. So I have to really try to avoid my favorite sites. THen I forgot a mouse... so I was up shit creek without a paddle. I mean using the little clit or touch pad is obnoxiously hard on my laptop, for some reason. So it was not like I could do any copy and paste you know. Then came NDK, yes NDK is another reason.
Now then I do not know what most people do on my site, but going to a convention means many things. However, above all else it means that I have no sleep, booze and lots of walking. Meaning by the time I get home I am pretty much a zombie who can barely find the bed. Ah yes the exhaustion that comes from going to conventions. I wanted to post but thanks to NDK... well I couldn't. Because with NDK I had to fight my way through the exhaustion just to make a blog topic. Most of the time it was blasting through it just to get it done so I could get some sleep. Trust me it took a lot out of me.
Finally there is the curse of my cosplay. Yes the one year I might be less rushed.. I screw that up. Sigh, well I was scrambling as usual. That made things incredibly annoying. Between screwing up the costume and running out of materials, and forgetting details and all that crap. I was working a solid 8 hours a day on my costume some days. I mean that REALLY screws with your perception of time. Not to mention my analytical ability. I did not want to I had too, it sucked. Oh well at least I got the costume mostly done.
So there you have all my excuses as to why I was not posting all this crap over the past couple of weeks. There is a ton of stuff to sift through I know that much, but that is just life sometimes. Now that I am a bit more normalized I should be able to keep up with things. Then again, Persona 4 Arena is getting in thew ay of things now.