Seasons Coming To An End
Wow you know when I actually keep up with anime. The fact that the seasons are comeing to an end really kind of upsets me now. For some I know they are going to end and I have to hope and pray for another season. Others I know are going to end on some kind of a cliff-hanger in an attempt to force DVD sales. Those ones are the ones that I am ok with. That is too be expected. The problem is going to come from the ones that are going to come to a crashing finish or just stop.
We all know the animes that do that stuff. The ones who suddenly were cancelled and now they are going to be ended. For some reason they thought 26 epsidoes should be plenty. Then the series does terrible, for one reason or another and is canceled to save some of the losses. This has not been happening much, well in recent seasons. However, the fact that it does happen makes me want to give up. Right now I am not seeing any animes that are going to end like that, but it could happen.
Then there is the more common mistake that is made. The one where the director and author forget the series is only supposed to be 13 episodes and suddenly have to wrap up the entire series in the last 44 minutes of time that the have left. Now this seems to happen all the fraking time. I think this happens more often than it should. However, one must ask the question what is more important, having all the tiny details of the world or having a good story? I am sure the debate will rage on till the end of time
Oh well, like I said I am a bit sad that the season is coming to an end. It is nothing that is too new. It happens every year. Now comes the next challenge. Watching out for all the releases on DVD. Then there is that other thing.... Oh yeah picking out the best of the best so I don't have archives of Anime that will never get watched.