Cosplay Lessons....2?
I am not sure if I wrote one of these ones down on this site. You know this is one of those things that I tend to think about in my head and then forget to write down because I am so pissed off about my cosplay that I spend my time venting about the whole thing. Anyway, I know this is number two in my book so I am going to make this a number two entry and you can all whine about it in the email that I have not checked for.. oh crap like a year now. Which is not my fault. Godaddy makes it hard to wire it up to my phone. Anyway onto lesson number one.
Lesson number one is that I need to remember that I need to order my wig first. You see here in America cosplay is dumb. The only thing dumber than cosplay is men actually taking it seriously. Well among normal people. So about 100% of all cosplay sites are located outside the US. Which means they need a good... 14 to 30 business days to actually get the costume piece to the US because shipping is so fucking slow. I mean I am busting my ass making this costume and I am not sure if I can actually wear it. Because I won't have the hair piece. Which would suck because I could just buy one at the convention I am sure. Plus this one kind of sucks anyway. Maybe I should work on growing out my hair for Wasabi. Anyway that is lesson number one. The most important lesson because without that lesson I am saved tons of stress and misery. Because the wig is the only thing I have to worry about.
Lesson number two, do not just wing it at the last minute. I have been doing this for years so it is not odd that I am doing this now, but I need to stop just doing this all last minute. I need to save up the money and have a trial run at my costume. You know just go for it and hope that I make it correctly. I know I was given this advice at a con a couple years ago. I now see why. Because with all the Seam ripping, and lint rolling I need to do, I have burned through too much time on failures Granted I need to make sure I do the costume with cheap materials. So that is a lesson that I need to learn there.
I think the last thing I have learned from these proceedings is that I need to ask the fabric store to do some of my long line cutting for me. Well either that or I need to figure out a way to cut straight. This is one thing that elludes me every time I wtry cutting something. I guess that is life though. It should not be so bad if all my detals edges were not so jagged. Then again sewing in a straight line is something that eludes me as well. Oh well, that is something I need to remember, design a new way to cut straight lines.
So those are all the take homes from this year in cosplay. Chances are that my laziness and... well laziness will get in the way of me actually following or remembering any of these and I will write the down again next year. However, at least I can say that I am writing this down and will one day remember. That is what is important.