Summer 2012 Winners
So with the ending of the olympics... soon or whenever it is I feel it is time to crown the gold medal winners for series I am super excited to see this season. I say these are all awesome, so it might say something about my tastes in anime. Regardless, I still think all of these are great animes and need to be watched by everyone.
So lets start off with the come from behind winner Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero. So despite the crappy reviews everyone in the net world has given this one. It is actually really good. I think the thing that makes this one awesome is the fact that the male lead is not a complete and total tool. You know the type, clumsy weak, stupid all that kind of stuff. No he is pretty much the opposite of all that. Which is what makes this series a great one. He is not the kind of person that you mess with. He kicks a lot of ass and is pretty damn awesome. He is not without his faults, like his father complex, but otherwise he is good. The story is a pretty new concept too. The whole idea that lots of kids are abducted from earth to be heroes in other worlds and then return. While the whole school life thing is not new. The story at least piqued my curiosity. So I say buckle down, get through all the ecchi and watch it.
Next on my list of good anime is Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita. Again, the main character makes this one worth while. I really like her because she is... well very dark. Constantly talking about ways to manipulate people and how crappy people really are. Yet she is drawn to be one of those super cute bubbly girls. The over all weird nature of the show also makes it pretty cool. All the crazy things that happen make it interesting to watch. Rarely do you really know what is going to happen next. I mean when you watch a piece of bread rip its head open and bleed out. Well you really do not know what to think about this anime. There are plenty of unanswered questions, but they can remain unanswered. The series itself is too entertaining.
Next lets drop into the slice of life world Kokoro Connect. I like the idea of this one above all else. School life, slice of life, dramas can be kind of annoying. At least the twist in this one makes it watchable. To be honest, it is really hard to figure out exactly what is going to happen. Plus good writing makes it watchable. Yeah there are plenty of mush parts, but it is still good to watch because... well it is always fun to watch other descend into insanity. Sometimes you just need to watch otherwise happy people suffer slowly to feel good about yourself, I will not deny my evil nature.
Wow this list is longer than I thought, oh well I say love them because it supports the industry Campione is next on the list. A guy with four girls... yeah I was warey at first. However, if anything the historical aspect of this anime makes it interesting to watch. I also like how all the mythology of the world is woven into this one. The action is about what you would expect from this kind of anime. Plus the fan service and odd characters. Overall though I like the idea and that is why this one gets put on the top of the list. I have not seen God-Slayers since Xena.
Chitose Get You, the short anime about an elementary school girl trying to rape an older man. Well at least that is what the first episode tells you. Really this one plays out like a web comic. I think that is why I like it. Yes there are small bits and pieces for the overarching plot. However, there is more than enough random crap going on in the series to make it hilarious. Not to mention make you forget about the original premise. Plus at three minutes a pop you cannot afford to not watch this anime.
Lets wrap it up with my favorite for the season Sword Art Online. This one has to be one of the best animes I have seen in years. I like the episodic story line, the dark characters and all the tragedy that comes along as a part of it. I like the main character because he is kind of like me. I know in his situation I would have probably become the same person he is. Then again I have soloed heroics in the old republic... that never goes over well. Anyway, I like the story because it is not happy at all really. Yeah there are a few moments when everything is going to be ok, but overall it is a pretty sad and messed up story. It kind of makes you think about what you might do if that were to really happen. All I can really say is that it is the one to watch if you were going to pick just one.
So after many long weeks of waiting there you have it. All the shows you should and should not watch. Keep in mind I only review shows that are new, not continuing. Well unless my opinion of a show actually changes, but that is rare. So I hope this serves as a good guide to help you guys who have lives prune down your anime lists a bit so you can have that life and watch the anime too.