Phantasy Star Online 2 - My First Run At It
So yes I am one of those super fan of this series... mind you I have not have the attention span to get through any one of the games, but that is irrelevant. I have always liked this series. So when I heard that Phantasy Star Online 2 was coming out... well enter inappropriate metaphor here. Then one day I came across a guide on how to get into it NOW!!! I guess I should mention a localized version of the game is not coming out until 2013. I have plenty of other games to play in the.. I guess it will likely be a year, but still I really enjoyed PSO 1 and PSP <---- not a System. So I want in now, well here is the tale of that attempt.
So for starters I did something wrong when entering in my password for my sega ID account. So... yeah I had to spend about 30 minutes with Copy, Paste, and Google Translate. To get my damn password reset to be what I know it should be. That was logs of fun. Seeing as how Google Translate does not translate anything on port 443. However, I digress thankfully I set my computer up to play RapeLay and all my Japanese is working. So I spend tons of time doing that and finally I can get in. This game sucks, it lets you get all the way to the door and THEN tells you that you cannot get in.
Next we come to the climax of the adventure, character creation. Now I need to stand on a soap box here for a second. There is such a thing as too much. Phantasy Star does too much customization. I can see why people are having a hard time running this game. When a slider is used to dictate the appearance of the face... well.. yeah you know that takes too long and too much. I could customize pretty much everything in this game. I am not one of those masturbatory heroes out there who wants to make my idea fuck toy for my avatar. So I guess I just do not appreciate this. Uhh anyway, so finally I manage to get a pre-built character I liked. He was sexy with his bouncy pompadour. Needless to say after spending time just randomly moving this around and stretching random things I was finally done. Then I guess I hit the random character button and... well now I lost all those changes and thus ending my adventure for today.
Normally I would just start over, but given the fact that I spent well over 30 minutes just trying to get the damn thing working... well.. yeah I spent way too much time doing that to just have to start over. I was really happy with what I had. I just need to learn my lesson and NOT forget a translation guide. I mean damn I have plenty of laptops. Plus I ran this thing windowed mode. What more could I ask for. I think it might be a pain to play the game in another language. I mean at the end of the day I will want to start over anyway so I can see the story and know what the hell I am supposed to do on quests and stuff. Regardless I will give it another go on another day. Hopefully I will be on an english speaking server and will be able to at least get around a bit... like a poser. Anyway onto something else. Till the next time.