That Thing That Just Happened That Pisses Me Off
You know I will never understand WHY people do stuff. I mean why did some kid have to go shoot up a movie theater during the release of a comic book movie? Why can't they... wait.. no I won't say... you know because when someone finds this blog after a similar event.. then I get to go to prison or something. Nothing that we like more in America than blaming someone. Even if it is someone trying to be funny. So no I will take a different direction.
Why is it that whenever the video game, comic book, and anime societies finally manage to clean up and build a house that shows we are just really obnoxious, creative, and well smart kids. Some asshole has to show up and start shooting stuff. This is the kind of crap that we do not need going on in our society. That is one thing that I really hate about the world. We find a minority group. Blame them for all the worlds evil. Then when they do a bunch of good. Someone has to come along and kill a bunch of people and set us back to where were started. Being the creepy smelly kids no one likes.
That is what is wrong with this world. You find people who are a little different and then you blame them for all the evil in the world. Now I will admit most of us are not sane... and yeah there are a few incidents where we earn the title. However, this is one of those cases where it is just another thing to start a fucking witch hunt. So now this niche of the world is set back a few years because people instantly associate death with comic books... the bastards.
The sad thing is that I am sure if an event that happened in the movie, happened in real life. We would not run around calling all those obnoxious people who paint themselves up to attend football games, crazy people. No because for some reason it is more socially acceptable to paint yourself and scream like some primitive tribal person during five hours of men running into each other. Than it is to enjoy something that requires creativity and art and all that crap we are trying to abolish from schools.
Anyway I digress, now conventions and midnight showings will be come another which hunting ground filled with crusaders for justice trying to find any reason to hate another form of entertainment. After all, a bunch of people died and there is a direct tie to a comic book. So let the witch hunt begin. Aww damn it now I am going to have federal agents knocking down my door... oh well I guess that is the cost of free speech.